This paper proposes a concept of Pedagogy of the Rural that draws together current rural education theory and practice to illustrate the complexities of rural space and place often …
Ann K. Schulte earned her Ph. D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is now a professor in the School of Education at California State …
Summary Shakespeare and Place-Based Learning explores the potential of place for enriching Shakespeare pedagogy. Positioning place as a complex, multiperspectival …
AK Schulte - Self-studies in rural teacher education, 2016 - Springer
Previously in my academic work I have carefully considered how my identities as white, middle class, and female have impacted the ways in which I prepare teachers who come …
B Walker-Gibbs - Self-studies in rural teacher education, 2016 - Springer
How one sees oneself as a teacher and a teacher educator is entwined for me with notions of place, space and identity. This chapter explores these concepts though a self-study …
A Mooney, C Hickey - Self-studies in rural teacher education, 2016 - Springer
The influence of place-based biographies in shaping professional identities and practices can be powerful. This is particularly prevalent in fields like Physical Education (PE) where …
In general terms, transition is considered to be linear movement across periods of change. This thesis aims to question and challenge such conceptualisations, offering a …
Languages education in Australia has been the subject of continual debate in recent decades. While policy makers and educational stakeholders have recognised that learning …
J Kline, S Soejatminah - Self-studies in Rural Teacher Education, 2015 - Springer
Rural research practice is the focus of a project exploring how two teacher education researchers prepare to partner with ethnically diverse rural school communities in Australia …