Associations of early marriage and early childbearing with anemia among adolescent girls in Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis of nationwide survey

FN Tiruneh, MW Tenagashaw, DT Asres… - Archives of Public …, 2021 - Springer
Background Early marriage and early childbearing are common practices in Ethiopia. Girls
who get married and give birth at a very young age are more likely to experience several …

prevalence and correlates of anemia among adolescents living in Hodeida, Yemen

ASM Al-Jermmy, SM Idris, F Coulibaly-Zerbo… - Children, 2022 -
This study assesses the prevalence and correlates of anemia among adolescents living in
the war-affected region of Hodeida in Yemen. A secondary objective was to examine the …

Perbandingan Pemberian Ekstrak Ikan Gabus dan Smooty Bayam terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin pada Ibu Hamil di Wilayah UPT Puskesmas Ciomas …

N Azzlina, R Galaupa - Jurnal Ners, 2023 -
Indonesia telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pembangunan dibidang
kesehatan. Dalam pembangunan kesehatan, pemerintah sudah melakukan program …

Efektifitas Senam Pilates Menggunakan Birthing Ball Terhadap Peningkatan Self Efficacy Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester Iii Di Puskesmas Batu Anam Kecamatan Siantar …

P Bangun - Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan, 2022 -
Abstrak Latar Belakang: Kehamilan didefenisikan sebagai fertilisasi atau penyatuan
spermatozoa dan ovum dan dilanjutkan dengan nidasi dan implantasi. Lowe (2010) …

Early Marriage as a Risk Factor for Anemia and Low Birth Weight During the Covid-19 Pandemic

LJ Utama, W Widarta, IN Adiyasa, R Sofiyatin… - … Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIKA …, 2023 -
Early marriage has a risk impact on the fetus and pregnant women. This triggers anemia and
chronic lack of energy in the mother and has an impact on the growth of the fetus and …

[PDF][PDF] Pernikahan Dini Sebagai Faktor Risiko Anemia dan Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah Selama Pandemi Covid-19

LJ Utama, I Widarta, R Sofiyatin, IG Narda… - … Kesehatan (JIKA) Vol, 2023 -
Pernikahan dini memiliki dampak risiko pada janin dan ibu hamil. Hal ini memicu anemia
dan kekurangan energi kronis pada ibu serta berdampak pada pertumbuhan janin dan anak …

Hubungan Paritas Dan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah Di Kota Surakarta

AK Wijaya, D Nursanto - 2023 -
Abstrak Latar Belakang: Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah (BBLR) merupakan salah satu
permasalahan kesehatan dengan jumlah kasus yang cukup tinggi di Kota Surakarta. BBLR …

Hemoglobin Evaluation in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy.

R Sattar, G Mansoor, SQ Abbasi… - Journal of the Dow …, 2021 -
Objective: To evaluate the maternal hemoglobin (Hb) concentration and its levels in
hypertensive pregnant patients during the third trimester of gestation. Methods: A …


WINP GANDING - European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine -
Background: The high incidence of low birth weights (LBW) is due to interrelated factors from
both the mother and the fetus. Maternal health status affects birth weight directly. Periodic …