Üniversite öğrencilerinin sporla ilgili metaforik algilari ve spor etkinliği dersi

AA Yetim, M Kalfa - Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri …, 2019 - dergipark.org.tr
Bu çalışmanın amacı spor etkinliği dersindeki üniversite öğrencilerinin spor kavramıyla ilgili
algılarını metafor metodu kullanarak belirlemektir. Bu çalışma spora yönelik algıları ortaya …

Does Participation in Outdoor Sports Affect Environmental Attitudes? A Research on University Students.

Y Arslan, C Suveren, Ç Ünlü, A Çeviker - International Journal of Education in …, 2024 - ERIC
This study aims to compare the environmental attitudes of college students who participate
in outdoor sports. This study's sample group consisted of 320 university student volunteers …

Does Participation in Outdoor Sports Affect Environmental Attitudes? A Research on University Students

Y UDUM, C SUVEREN ERDOĞAN… - … OF EDUCATION IN …, 2024 - avesis.gazi.edu.tr
This study aims to compare the environmental attitudes of college students who participate
in outdoor sports. This study's sample group consisted of 320 university student volunteers …

[PDF][PDF] Doğa etkinliklerine katılan çocukların “doğa” kavramına ilişkin metaforik algılarının incelenmesi

M Ceylan - İnönü Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri …, 2019 - dergipark.org.tr
Bu araştırma, hayatlarında ilk defa doğa etkinliklerine katılan çocuklarda, etkinliklerin doğa
zekâsı üzerindeki etkisini ve çocukların doğayla ilgili oluşturdukları metaforları incelemek …

Metaphoric Perceptions of Individuals for the Concepts of" Coronavirus" and" Staying at Home"

M Esentaş, K Yıldız, D Zerengök, P Güzel-Gürbüz - Gymnasium, 2021 - gymnasium.ub.ro
We have been observing various preventive measures implemented to contain the
COVID19 pandemic in the world since the new Coronavirus outbreak. Self-isolation, staying …

Volleyball as a rising value in Turkey: Metaphorical perceptions of young female volleyball players: Türkiye'de yükselen bir değer olarak voleybol: Genç kadın …

N Arman, EL İlhan - Journal of Human Sciences, 2024 - j-humansciences.com
Aim: In this study, the understanding of female student-athletes who actively participate in
the volleyball branch was tried to be determined through metaphor. Method: For this …

Experiential results of nature camp training

G Karakaş, H Kaya Baba, A Yılmaz - Eğitim ve Bilim, 2018 - acikkaynak.bilecik.edu.tr
Nowadays, nature which is almost forgotten or almost unknown by the new generation with
technology and constructions is a value that should be given importance to increase …

Environment perception scale: Study on validity and reliability

M Çakmak - International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2024 - iojes.net
The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable scale for environmental perception of
university students. In the study carried out in 2018, scanning model was employed. With the …

[PDF][PDF] Environmental perception scale: a study of reliability and validity.

M CAKMAK - International Online Journal of …, 2020 - tr-scales.arabpsychology.com
Living organisms and their non-living surroundings exist together in the same environment
and are in interaction with each other without being separated (Cansaran & Yıldırım, 2014; …

Doğa kampı eğitiminin deneyimsel sonuçları

G Karakaş, HB Kaya, A Yılmaz - Eğitim ve Bilim, 2018 - egitimvebilim.ted.org.tr
ÖZ Günümüzde teknoloji ve yapılaşmayla yeni nesil tarafından giderek unutulan ya da
neredeyse bilinmeyen doğa kavramı, farkındalığı arttırılmaya önem verilmesi gereken bir …