[图书][B] Dictionary of museology

F Mairesse - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
The internationally focused Dictionary of Museology reflects the diversity of cultural and
disciplinary approaches to theory and practice in the museum field today. The museum …

[PDF][PDF] The music industry in the digital age: Consumer participation in value creation

D Chaney - International journal of arts management, 2012 - academia.edu
In their study of consumer profiles over the past 20 years, Cova and Cova (2009) identify first
the individualistic consumer of the early 1990s, then the hedonistic consumer around the …

[图书][B] Arts and Cultural management

C DeVereaux - 2018 - api.taylorfrancis.com
4.1 Abstract Situational Map: Ordered Version 66 4.2 Ordered Situational Map “Funding
Cuts Negotiations,” Speech of the Councilor of Finance and Vice Mayor 69 4.3 Ordered …

Marketing research for cultural heritage conservation and sustainability: Lessons from the field

M Cerquetti, C Ferrara - Sustainability, 2018 - mdpi.com
This paper investigates the contribution of marketing research to cultural heritage
conservation and sustainability, based on the assumption that the comprehension of the …

[HTML][HTML] Le fan comme travailleur: les activités méconnues d'un coproducteur dévoué

F Hein - Sociologie du travail, 2011 - journals.openedition.org
On ne peut plus aujourd'hui considérer le fan comme un simple consommateur culturel. La
pluralité de ses régimes d'engagement (fan-clubs, street teams, communautés numériques) …

[图书][B] Musei e tecnologie: valorizzare il passato per costruire il futuro

F Izzo - 2017 - books.google.com
L'obiettivo del presente volume eBook è quello di comprendere il ruolo della tecnologia
come strumento che concorre al raggiungimento degli obiettivi del museo, creando valore …

Managing substitutive and complementary technologies in cultural institutions: Market/mission perspectives

A Modlinski, LM Pinto - Management: Journal of Contemporary …, 2020 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Digitalization and artificial intelligence are changing modern business
organizations. New technologies help to analyze business environment, track customers …

Programming strategies and demand in the performing arts: The case of the Forum in Le Blanc-Mesnil, France

D Urrutiaguer - International Journal of Arts Management, 2014 - search.proquest.com
This article describes an empirical study of the programming strategy of the Forum, a heavily
subsidized" approved stage" in Le Blanc-Mesnil near Paris. The methodology is based on …

Comprendre les freins à la consommation de spectacles vivants à travers la conception individuelle de l'art

C Gallen, D Pailler - Décisions Marketing, 2010 - shs.cairn.info
Comprendre les freins à la consommation de spectacles vivants à travers la conception
individuelle de l’art | Cairn.info Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion …

Virtual cultural experiences: the drivers of satisfaction

N Bellini, M Bergamasco… - … Emerging Issues in …, 2018 - symphonya.unicusano.it
This article presents the results of an interdisciplinary research work on the emergence and
impact of virtual technologies on the valorization of cultural experience. After reviewing the …