Adapting laws for a changing world: a systemic approach to climate change adaptation

VB Flatt - Fla. L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
This Essay suggests that policy responses in climate change adaptation must be addressed
and that focusing on adapting laws may be a good way to undertake this work. Following a …

This Land Is Your Land (Our Right to the Environment)

VB Flatt - W. Va. L. Rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
What would you do if someone took your car? Would you call the police? Call your
insurance company? Try to get the car back? Now compare your answer to that question …

Enduring optimism: examining the rig-to-reef bargain

RE Salcido - Ecology LQ, 2005 - HeinOnline
Federal law requires the removal of offshore oil and gas platforms from the seafloor at the
end of production. An exception to this rule allows a platform to stay on the seafloor if it is …

Distinguishing the Concept of Strict Liability in Tort from Strict Products Liability: Medusa Unveiled

CE Cantu - U. Mem. L. Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
It is generally conceded that our Anglo-American system of tort law is based upon two
fictions' and one well accepted principle. 2 The first fiction is the line of reasoning that allows …

[PDF][PDF] 리스크법-리스크관리체계로서의환경법

조홍식 - 법학, 2002 -
1.[人間은 社會的 動物] 이란 명제는 수많은 함의를 내포하고 있다. 사회 구성원 상호간에 생기는
葛藤의 宿命性도 그 하나이다. 사회구성원 상호간의 갈등은, 인간이 모여 사회를 구성하고 그 …

The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge: On a Rocky Road To Creating a Community Asset

RE Salcido - 2014 -
This article analyzes the restoration of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge
(RMA Refuge) and is an outgrowth of a place-based study of the region. The organizers of …

The Transactional Challenges Posed by Mold: Risk Management and Allocation Issues

WG Wright Jr, SM Irby - Ark. L. Rev., 2003 - HeinOnline
Mold has been an important part of this planet's ecosystem for millions of years. 2 The
organisms recycle nature's resources by decomposing organic substances. 3 Regardless, it …

The Uniform Environmental Covenants Act: Why, How, and Whether

KA Strasser - BC Envtl. Aff. L. Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
With contaminated land, it sometimes makes sense to do a partial cleanup, rather than a
complete one, and combine the cleanup with land use restrictions and continuing …

Contemporary CERCLA: Reversals of Fortune and Black Holes

SA Millan - Fordham Envtl. L. Rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
Since the 1980's, contamination phobia has gripped industry, government, and the public.
The Love Canal disaster sparked the creation of the Comprehensive Environmental …

The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge: On a Rocky Road to Creating a Community Asset

RE Salcido - J. Marshall L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge (RMA Refuge) is located 10 miles
northeast of downtown Denver, Colorado. It is home to deer, badgers, prairie dogs, bald …