Recreating pulsed turbidity events to determine coral–sediment thresholds for active management

NK Browne, J Tay, PA Todd - Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Active management of anthropogenically driven sediment resuspension events near coral
reefs relies on an accurate assessment of coral thresholds to both suspended and deposited …

[HTML][HTML] Seabed morphology and bed shear stress predict temperate reef habitats in a high energy marine region

T Jackson-Bue, GJ Williams, TA Whitton… - Estuarine, Coastal and …, 2022 - Elsevier
High energy marine regions host ecologically important habitats like temperate reefs, but are
less anthropogenically developed and understudied compared to lower energy waters. In …

[HTML][HTML] Responses of a common New Zealand coastal sponge to elevated suspended sediments: Indications of resilience

VJ Cummings, J Beaumont, V Mobilia, JJ Bell… - Marine environmental …, 2020 - Elsevier
Suspended sediments can affect the health of marine benthic suspension feeders, with
concomitant effects on community diversity, abundance and ecosystem function. Suspended …

Sedimentological features of Sabellaria spinulosa biocontructions

S Lisco, M Moretti, V Moretti, F Cardone… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Sedentary polychaete Sabellaria spinulosa (Leukhart, 1849) is a suspension feeder
that builds tubes by cementing together terrigenous particles. Under a set of environmental …

The comparative effects of chronic microplastic and sediment deposition on the scleractinian coral Merulina ampliata

MS Ng, PA Todd - Marine Environmental Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Despite increasing research into the effects of microplastics on corals, no study to date has
compared this relatively novel pollutant with a well-established stressor such as …

Buried Alive: The Behavioural Response of the Mussels, Modiolus modiolus and Mytilus edulis to Sudden Burial by Sediment

ZL Hutchison, VJ Hendrick, MT Burrows, B Wilson… - PLoS …, 2016 -
Sedimentation in the sea occurs through natural processes, such as wave and tidal action,
which can be exacerbated during storms and floods. Changes in terrestrial land use, marine …

Short-term physiological responses of the New Zealand deep-sea sponge Ecionemia novaezealandiae to elevated concentrations of suspended sediments

V Mobilia, VJ Cummings, MR Clark, D Tracey… - Journal of Experimental …, 2021 - Elsevier
The generation of sediment plumes by human activities, such as bottom fishing and potential
deep-sea mining, poses threats to deep-sea benthic fauna. Sponges are important …

Feasibility of the sabellarid reef habitat restoration

G Franzitta, A Colletti, B Savinelli… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2022 -
Polychaetes of the genus Sabellaria (Annelida, Sabellariidae) are gregarious
bioconstructors that build reefs by assembling rigid tubes with sand grains in shallow waters …

Acute turbidity exposures with Port of Miami sediments impact Orbicella faveolata tissue regeneration

LA May, CV Miller, ZJ Moffitt, L Balthis, J Karazsia… - Marine Pollution …, 2023 - Elsevier
We evaluated acute turbidity effects on a threatened coral species (Orbicella faveolata)
under three short-term challenge scenarios using a Port of Miami sediment homogenate to …

The invasive, non-native slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata is poorly adapted to sediment burial

C Powell-Jennings, R Callaway - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The American slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata is an invasive, non-native species
(INNS) abundant along the European coast. Its further distribution may be facilitated by …