Northwestern Amazonia is home to a great degree of linguistic diversity, and the human societies in that region are part of complex networks of interaction that predate the arrival of …
T Chacon - PAPIA Rev. Bras. Estud. Crioulos E Similares, 2017 -
This paper analyzes several linguistic traits that are evidences for ancient and continuous contacts between Arawakan, Tukanoan and neighboring languages from the Northwest …
This dissertation focuses on Yukuna (ISO 693-3: ycn, Glottocode: yucu1253), an Arawak language of Colombian Amazonia. Yukuna is a definitely endangered, understudied …
T Chacon, L Cayón - Tipití: Journal of the Society for the …, 2023 -
In this article we explore how languages interact with exogamous social units (eg, clans and phratries) and descent ideologies (such as having a common mythical ancestor and …
This chapter provides an overview of language contact involving indigenous languages in South America, emphasizing cases that may have broader implications. It examines the …
Mi práctica profesional de octavo semestre, culminación de mis estudios de pregrado, consistió en asistir un estudio de multilingüismo para el que conviví por algunos meses …
K Balykova - LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas, 2019 -
As línguas Tukano Oriental são conhecidas por seus sistemas de classificação nominal bem desenvolvidos. Nesse sentido, o Wa'ikhana (Piratapuyo) é um representante típico da …
This dissertation focuses on Yukuna (ISO 693-3: ycn, Glottocode: yucu1253), an Arawak language of Colombian Amazonia. Yukuna is a definitely endangered, understudied …