BB Lahey - American Psychologist, 2009 -
The personality trait of neuroticism refers to relatively stable tendencies to respond with negative emotions to threat, frustration, or loss. Individuals in the population vary markedly …
PS Blagov - Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2021 -
Who embraces directions to socially distance, boost hygiene, and protect others during a pandemic of contagious respiratory disease? Do differently phrased public-health messages …
Objective: To derive a robust and comprehensive estimate of the overall relation between Big Five personality traits and health variables using metasynthesis (ie, second-order meta …
This review addresses personality in organised sport. We describe the extant literature that has explored personality effects on athletic success and population-based differences …
PURPOSE: Although the relationship between personality and antisocial behaviors has been widely examined and empirically supported in the psychological literature, relatively …
The categorical model of classification in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is sorely problematic. A proposed solution is emerging in the …
A meta-analysis that included 19 samples with a total of 3848 participants showed that scores on four of the Five-Factor Model personality factors correlated significantly with level …
Aims To investigate cross‐sectional and longitudinal associations between personality and smoking, and test whether socio‐demographic factors modify these associations. Design …
Background Personality traits are considered risk factors for drug use, and, in turn, the psychoactive substances impact individuals' traits. Furthermore, there is increasing interest …