Well-being dynamics and poverty traps

CB Barrett, T Garg, L McBride - Annual Review of Resource …, 2016 - annualreviews.org
A sound understanding of poverty traps—defined as poverty that is self-reinforcing due to
the poor's equilibrium behaviors—and their underlying mechanisms is fundamentally …

Why do people stay poor?

C Balboni, O Bandiera, R Burgess… - The Quarterly Journal …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
There are two broad views as to why people stay poor. One emphasizes differences in
fundamentals, such as ability, talent, or motivation. The poverty traps view emphasizes …

[图书][B] The economics of poverty: History, measurement, and policy

M Ravallion - 2015 - books.google.com
There are fewer people living in extreme poverty in the world today than 30 years ago. While
that is an achievement, continuing progress for poor people is far from assured. Inequalities …

Do poverty traps exist? Assessing the evidence

A Kraay, D McKenzie - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2014 - aeaweb.org
A “poverty trap” can be understood as a set of self-reinforcing mechanisms whereby
countries start poor and remain poor: poverty begets poverty, so that current poverty is itself …

[HTML][HTML] Gender, assets, and agricultural development: Lessons from eight projects

NL Johnson, C Kovarik, R Meinzen-Dick, J Njuki… - World …, 2016 - Elsevier
Ownership of assets is important for poverty reduction, and women's control of assets is
associated with positive development outcomes at the household and individual levels. This …

The economics of poverty traps and persistent poverty: empirical and policy implications

CB Barrett, MR Carter - The Journal of Development Studies, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The moral and economic imperatives to intervene in poverty traps motivate the identification
of poverty traps and their structural causes so as to inform the design of appropriate policy …

Estimating development resilience: A conditional moments-based approach

JD Cissé, CB Barrett - Journal of Development Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
Despite significant spending on 'resilience'by international development agencies, no theory-
based method for estimating or measuring development resilience has yet been developed …

Do poverty traps exist?

A Kraay, DJ McKenzie - World Bank policy research working paper, 2014 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper reviews the empirical evidence on the existence of poverty traps, understood as
self-reinforcing mechanisms through which poor individuals or countries remain poor …

[HTML][HTML] Technology driven inequality leads to poverty and resource depletion

MU Mirza, A Richter, EH van Nes, M Scheffer - Ecological Economics, 2019 - Elsevier
The rapid rise in inequality is often seen to go in-hand with resource overuse. Examples
include water extraction in Pakistan, land degradation in Bangladesh, forest harvesting in …

“The poor stay poor”: Household asset poverty traps in rural semi-arid India

F Naschold - World Development, 2012 - Elsevier
Although identifying household-level poverty dynamics would have important implications
for poverty reduction policies empirical evidence is still scant. This paper employs a novel …