Mobbing in organizations. Benefits of identifying the phenomenon

TS Cornoiu, M Gyorgy - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013 - Elsevier
Mobbing is a phenomenon that occurs in the organizational context and consists in hostile
actions, aggression (verbal, physical, sexual), professional discredit, contempt, isolation etc …

Εργασιακή εξουθένωση και mobbing στις υπηρεσίες υγείας εν μέσω της πανδημικής κρίσης COVID-19

ΕΜ Πετροπούλου - 2022 -
Εισαγωγή: Το επάγγελμα των επαγγελματιών υγείας χαρακτηρίζεται από έντονη και στενή
επαφή με άλλους ανθρώπους καθώς και από υψηλή συναισθηματική συμμετοχή. Αυτή η …

Cercetarea economiei sociale din România

SM Stănescu - Revista de economie socială, 2013 -
Articolul analizează volumele românești dedicate studiului economiei sociale (ES). Prima
parte este dedicată ES ca răspuns la inserţia profesională a celor interesaţi să activeze în …

Hărțuirea nonsexuală: posibile implicații penale

V Stati - Studia Universitatis Moldaviae (Seria Ştiinţe Sociale), 2020 -
Pot oare mijloacele extrapenale să asigure în toate cazurile prevenirea și descurajarea
săvârșirii de hărțuire la locul de muncă? O întrebare urmată de alta, nu mai puțin …

Theoretical approaches regarding the mobbing phenomen

A Mihăilescu, C Tomescu - Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2017 -
All work situations can potentially generate conflicts, which can lead to risks of abuses,
aggression. In any organization, there are divergences of opinion, conflict, power struggle as …

Researching social economy in Romania

SM Stănescu - Revista de Economie Socială, 2013 -
The article analyses research of social economy (SE) in Romania. The first part is dedicated
to the SE as a response to the professional insertion of those interested in working in this …

Sărăcia și alți factori de risc ce favorizează comportamentul violent în viața domestică

M Stanciu, A Mihăilescu… - Sociologie …, 2022 -
Poverty, when manifested against the background of additional potentiating factors, such as
a low level of education, the presence of addictions such as alcoholism, smoking, drug use …

Măsuri în prevenirea şi contracararea mobbing-ului la locul de muncă la nivelul Uniunii Europene

C LAZARIUC - 2017 -
Mobbing is a term used to describe a variety of behaviors in the workplace that amount to
emotional abuse by workers of a fellow employee or employees. Mobbing takes place all …

Forms of Human Violence Exacerbated in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: Theoretical Approaches and Conclusions of Current Studies

B Georgeta - Open Journal for Sociological Studies, 2020 -
Human violence is, above all, a recurring theme of contemporary societies, a worrying
phenomenon that requires the prevention and intervention of the society of each society …

The European legislative framework against discrimination. An overview

O Banu - Jurnalul Practicilor Comunitare Pozitive, 2016 -
Discrimination is a phenomenon encountered in the majority of societies, and it reflects on
various groups based by: race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation …