Glyphosate resistance: state of knowledge

RD Sammons, TA Gaines - Pest management science, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Studies of mechanisms of resistance to glyphosate have increased current understanding of
herbicide resistance mechanisms. Thus far, single‐codon non‐synonymous mutations of …

Evolution in action: plants resistant to herbicides

SB Powles, Q Yu - Annual review of plant biology, 2010 -
Modern herbicides make major contributions to global food production by easily removing
weeds and substituting for destructive soil cultivation. However, persistent herbicide …

The shikimate pathway

KM Herrmann, LM Weaver - Annual review of plant biology, 1999 -
▪ Abstract The shikimate pathway links metabolism of carbohydrates to biosynthesis of
aromatic compounds. In a sequence of seven metabolic steps, phosphoenolpyruvate and …

Development, identification, and characterization of a glyphosate‐tolerant soybean line

SR Padgette, KH Kolacz, X Delannay, DB Re… - Crop …, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
Glyphosate (N‐phosphonomethyl‐glycine) is the active ingredient the nonselective
herbicide Roundup. The sensitivity of crop plants to glyphosate has limited its in‐season use …

Evolved resistance to glyphosate in rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) in Australia

SB Powles, DF Lorraine-Colwill, JJ Dellow… - Weed science, 1998 -
Following 15 yr of successful use, glyphosate failed to control a population of the
widespread grass weed rigid ryegrass in Australia. This population proved to be resistant to …

Molecular basis for the herbicide resistance of Roundup Ready crops

T Funke, H Han, ML Healy-Fried… - Proceedings of the …, 2006 - National Acad Sciences
The engineering of transgenic crops resistant to the broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate
has greatly improved agricultural efficiency worldwide. Glyphosate-based herbicides, such …

Utilization of glyphosate as phosphate source: biochemistry and genetics of bacterial carbon-phosphorus lyase

B Hove-Jensen, DL Zechel… - … and Molecular Biology …, 2014 - Am Soc Microbiol
After several decades of use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in weed killers such as
Roundup, in fields, forests, and gardens, the biochemical pathway of transformation of …

Glyphosate‐resistant crops: history, status and future

GM Dill - Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
The commercial launch of glyphosate‐resistant soybeans in 1996 signaled the beginning of
a new era in weed management in row crops. Today, over 80% of the soybeans grown in …

Glyphosate-resistant goosegrass. Identification of a mutation in the target enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase

SR Baerson, DJ Rodriguez, M Tran, Y Feng… - Plant …, 2002 -
The spontaneous occurrence of resistance to the herbicide glyphosate in weed species has
been an extremely infrequent event, despite over 20 years of extensive use. Recently, a …

Molecular basis of glyphosate resistance–different approaches through protein engineering

L Pollegioni, E Schonbrunn, D Siehl - The FEBS journal, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Glyphosate (N‐phosphonomethyl‐glycine) is the most widely used herbicide in the world:
glyphosate‐based formulations exhibit broad‐spectrum herbicidal activity with minimal …