Recently, novel lines of research have developed to study the influence of identity processes in sport-related behaviors. Yet, whereas emotions in sport are the result of a complex …
We live in a world polarized by religion, nationality, political ideology, race, ethnicity, sex, social class, and many other group distinctions too numerous to mention. These social …
This Handbook provides a uniquely comprehensive and scholarly overview of the latest research on prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. All chapters are written by eminent …
Threat is one of the most important predictors for attitudes towards refugees and migration. The current research addresses the role of different threat types and emotional reactions in …
Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Page 1 6 INTERGROUP EMOTIONS THEORY Diane M. Mackie UNIvERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA, Angela T …
А Журавлев, А Юревич, В Соснин, Т Нестик… - 2022 -
Работа посвящена острой проблеме современного мира–трансформации психологии массового сознания и поведения людей в условиях глобальных процессов, а также …
DM Mackie, ER Smith - Advances in experimental social psychology, 2018 - Elsevier
Emotions are a ubiquitous aspect of interaction between groups. As described in Intergroup Emotions Theory (IET; Mackie, Devos, & Smith, 2000; Smith, 1993), intergroup emotions are …
Objectives Previous research exploring team resilience has advanced our definitional, conceptual and theoretical understanding of this construct in elite sport. Although more is …