On the cognitive conflict as an instructional strategy for conceptual change: A critical appraisal

M Limón - Learning and instruction, 2001 - Elsevier
The constructivist view of learning pays special attention to students' prior knowledge. One
of the core statements of this view is the necessity of connecting students' prior knowledge …

The cognitive-situative divide and the problem of conceptual change

S Vosniadou - Educational psychologist, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
In this article we argue that both the cognitive and situative perspectives need to be modified
to account for the empirical evidence on learning, taking as a central example the problem of …

Introduction: Bridging the cognitive and sociocultural approaches in research on conceptual change: Is it feasible?

L Mason - Educational psychologist, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Correspondence should be addressed to Lucia Mason, Department of Developmental and
Socialization Psychology, University of Padua, Via Venezia, 8, Padua, Italy 35131. E-mail …

Aprender y enseñar ciencia: del conocimiento cotidiano al conocimiento científico

JI Pozo Municio - 2009 - torrossa.com
Queda prohibida, salvo excepción prevista en la ley, cualquier forma de reproducción,
distribución, comunicación pública y transformación de esta obra sin contar con …

Del cambio de contenido al cambio representacional en el conocimiento conceptual

JI Pozo, MJ Rodrigo - Journal for the Study of Education and …, 2001 - journals.sagepub.com
Las investigaciones realizadas en las últimas décadas sobre el cambio conceptual, tanto
desde una perspectiva evolutiva como instruccional, nos llevan a considerar que ese …

Relationships between everyday knowledge and scientific knowledge: understanding how matter changes

MÁG Crespo, JI Pozo - International journal of science education, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
This paper analyses the representations held by adolescents and university students in
relation to the mechanism for explaining changes in matter (changes of state, dissolutions …

Revisión de las concepciones alternativas de los estudiantes de secundaria sobre la estructura de la materia

A Garritz, RT Velasco - Educación química, 2003 - revistas.unam.mx
En la actualidad es claro que en el proceso de enseñanza de las ciencias es necesario que
el profesor cuente con información de lo que el alumno sabe al llegar al aula; así, la …

Learning beyond the body: from embodied representations to explicitation mediated by external representations/Aprender más allá del cuerpo: de las …

JI Pozo - Journal for the Study of Education and …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
El dualismo imperante en nuestra cultura condujo a la psicología del aprendizaje a concebir
durante décadas la mente como un dispositivo amodal, abstracto y arbitrario, que …

Helping young children to see what is relevant and why: Supporting cognitive change in earth science using analogy

A Blake - International Journal of Science Education, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
This experimental study explores how 60 primary‐age children's (9–11 years old)
understanding of rocks was effected by instruction that used the conceptual structure of the …

Theory of mind, personal epistemology, and science learning: Exploring common conceptual components

N Kyriakopoulou, S Vosniadou - Frontiers in Psychology, 2020 - frontiersin.org
We investigated the hypothesis that theory of mind (ToM) and epistemological
understanding promote the aspect of science learning that concerns the ability to …