The mechanism of floral mutation including double flowers in plant species can be explained by the ABCDE model which represents the relationship between MADS-box …
The resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics has become a “scourge” of the medical field in recent decades. In this regard, the vector of medical research rightly …
WM Khalilia - Journal of Natural Sciences, 2020 -
It is important to develop new approaches to increase the efficacy of cancer treatments. Nowadays, the uses of natural products to treat cancer are very common. In addition …
Masyarakat Indonesia sejak dahulu telah mengenal dan memanfaatkan tumbuhan yang berkhasiat sebagai obat untuk mengobati masalah kesehatan. Salah satu tumbuhan obat …
In the first three parts of this series of review articles, we presented the anticancer, antiinflammatory and antidiabetic activities of the most important (eaten) wild edible plants of …