Profiling for sustainable tourism: Young travellers' self-transcendence values and motivations

E Cavagnaro, S Staffieri, A Carrieri… - European Journal of …, 2021 -
Young people seek meaningful, participative, and co-created experiences. Yet young
tourists seem less attracted than expected by tourism offers that emphasise involvement …

Sharing economy and lifestyle changes, as exemplified by the tourism market

A Niezgoda, K Kowalska - Sustainability, 2020 -
The aim of the article is to analyze the relationship between lifestyle changes and
willingness to use sharing economy services in tourism, including peer-to-peer …

The identification of factors determining the probability of practicing Inland water tourism through logistic regression models: The case of Extremadura, Spain

M Sánchez-Rivero, MC Rodríguez-Rangel… - Water, 2020 -
Inland water tourism is put forward as a highly sustainable and attractive tourism product
owing to its ability to generate economic development, raise awareness of respect for the …

[PDF][PDF] Ο ιατρικός τουρισμός ως μοχλός ανάπτυξης της οικονομίας στην Περιφέρεια Θεσσαλίας

ΓΚ Γιαννακέ - 2023 -
Θα ήθελα να εκφράσω τις θερμές μου ευχαριστίες στην Αν. Καθηγήτρια κ. Αθηνά Οικονόμου
που ανέλαβε την επίβλεψη και την καθοδήγηση της παρούσας μελέτης. Την ευχαριστώ για τη …

Avrupa'da Termal Spa Terapi Uzmanı Mesleğinin Yeterlilik Alanlarına ve Eğitim İhtiyacına İlişkin Bir Araştırma

S Kuşluvan, O Yücel, K Van Isacker, AS Dıas… - Türk Turizm …, 2019 -
Özet Bu araştırma, Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından desteklenen bir projenin ortakları olan
Belçika, Bulgaristan, Portekiz, Slovenya ve Türkiye'de termal spa terapi uzmanının sahip …

[PDF][PDF] An Analysis of tourists reviews regarding spa business services in Thailand's major tourism cities

A Sangpikul - 2018 -
During the past few years, scholars have interested and conducted more research in health
tourism due to the global trend and the worldwide growth of this type of tourism, including …

[PDF][PDF] Ιαματικός τουρισμός: διερεύνηση της εικόνας και της απήχησης επισκεπτών στα λουτρά Σμοκόβου

ΑΙ Τσιόγκα - 2020 -
Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας είναι να σκιαγραφήσει τα δημογραφικά στοιχεία των
επισκεπτών που επιλέγουν τα λουτρά Σμοκόβου για λουτροθεραπεία, να διερευνήσει τους …

Satisfação dos visitantes relativamente às estâncias termais e território envolvente: Caso de estudo da Curia

SRF da Silva Lopes - 2018 -
O aumento da procura do turismo de saúde e bem-estar torna evidente a necessidade de
compreender a satisfação dos visitantes relativamente às estâncias termais e território …