Reflex-tree: a biologically inspired parallel architecture for future smart cities

J Kane, B Tang, Z Chen, J Yan, T Wei… - 2015 44th …, 2015 -
We introduce a new parallel computing and communication architecture, Reflex-Tree, with
massive sensing, data processing, and control functions suitable for future smart cities. The …

Advanced real time and long term monitoring of transportation pipelines

G Bernasconi, S Del Giudice… - ASME …, 2014 -
A key factor for the sustainable development of oil&gas industry is the remote monitoring of
integrity and reliability of transportation pipelines. In order to mitigate the risk associated to …

[PDF][PDF] Pipeline monitoring with vibroacoustic sensing

G Giunta, G Bernasconi, SD Giudice - Materials Evaluation, 2015 -
In the framework of a research project, a proprietary vibroacoustic system was desìgned for
remote real-time monitoring ofpipelines (Dalmazzone et al., 2010; Giunta and Bernasconi …

Field deployment of eni vibroacoustic pipeline monitoring system (e-vpms™): Long term performance analysis

G Giunta, P Timossi, GP Borghi, R Schiavon… - Offshore …, 2015 -
Real-time monitoring of pipeline integrity is a key factor for the environmental sustainability
and for the reduction of production downtime in oil & gas industry. In 2009 eni promoted an …

Gas filled pipelines monitoring using multipoint vibroacoustic sensing

G Bernasconi, G Giunta… - International …, 2015 -
eni SpA has promoted and supported a research project (DIONISIO) for the design of a
proprietary pipeline monitoring system, exploiting negative pressure waves and statistical …

Vibroacoustic Monitoring of Gas-Filled Pipelines

G Giunta, G Bernasconi… - ASNT Fall Conference …, 2013 -
Vibroacoustic monitoring is an emerging technique for the detection of leaks and third party
interference (TPI) on fluid transportation pipelines. The technique is based on the remote …

Acoustic pipeline monitoring: theory and technology

S Del Giudice - 2014 -
This thesis deals with monitoring of pipelines through acoustic measurements. Acoustic
monitoring is a technique that exploits the fact that any disturbance occurring in the pipe …

Field Deployment of an Innovative Acoustic Monitoring System for Remote Real-time Pipeline Asset Integrity

R Schiavon, G Bernasconi, G Giunta… - Abu Dhabi …, 2014 -
Real-time monitoring of pipeline integrity is a key factor for the environmental sustainability
of oil & gas industry. eni launched in 2009 an R&D project for developing a real-time …

[PDF][PDF] 油气开采过程的环境监测与管理

林加恩, 苏泽中, 薛帅帅, 刘瑞 - 科技导报, 2016 -
摘要当前随着石油, 天然气等开发的不断深入, 对地下水, 土壤, 大气等自然环境的监管和保护越
来越重要. 本文介绍了目前国内外套后窜漏监测, 输油管线泄漏监测和大气污染监测的主要方法 …

Innovative hybrid rotary steerable system allowed drilling a 6 in. Horizontal hole through a carbonate reservoir with a record Dog Leg Severity of 13/30m

G De Grandis, A Maliardi, V Gioia… - Abu Dhabi International …, 2014 -
This paper describes the successful field test of an innovative hybrid Rotary Steerable
System (RSS) developed for high Dog Leg Severity (DLS) applications. This novel …