Previous scholarship has interpreted Bishop Isidore of Seville (d. 636) retrospectively as the architect of the medieval Spanish church, as the father of Spanish identity, and as a key …
Abstract In Rome on Christmas Day 800 Charlemagne, the Frankish king, was acclaimed 'most August, crowned by God, great and peacemaking emperor'. This event transformed the …
Within the first few centuries after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the majority of those westerners once considered Romans adopted the identities of their barbarian rulers …
La España visigoda es una materia histórica fascinante, pero al mismo tiempo frustrante para el historiador. Por un lado, los hispanovisigodos nos han dejado un amplio elenco …
The structures of the late ancient Visigothic kingdom of Iberia were rooted in those of Roman Hispania, Santiago Castellanos argues, but Catholic bishops subsequently produced a …
J Martínez Jiménez, R Flierman - Citizenship in Antiquity, 2023 -
It has been a recurrent shortcoming in the historiography of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages to dismiss the importance of citizenship after Caracalla's edict, but especially …
Since the fall of the Visigothic kingdom in 711, analysis of its history has been tied to contemporary Spanish politics. Political and economic developments in Spain since the …
J Wood - Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2012 -
This article positions the Spanish strand of the De viris illustribus in its social and literary context. I argue that, rather than simply continuing the biographical catalogues of Jerome …
This article discusses the efforts by Catholic rulers to eliminate the Jewish communities of the Visigothic kingdom in Spain. Their sustained effort to define Christian identity through the …