Accounting for demand and supply of the biosphere's regenerative capacity: The National Footprint Accounts' underlying methodology and framework

M Borucke, D Moore, G Cranston, K Gracey, K Iha… - Ecological …, 2013 - Elsevier
Human demand on ecosystem services continues to increase, and evidence suggests that
this demand is outpacing the regenerative and absorptive capacity of the biosphere. As a …

Theoretical exploration for the combination of the ecological, energy, carbon, and water footprints: Overview of a footprint family

K Fang, R Heijungs, GR de Snoo - Ecological Indicators, 2014 - Elsevier
Over the past two decades, a continuously expanding list of footprint-style indicators has
been introduced to the scientific community with the aim of raising public awareness of how …

The role of financial development and globalization in the environment: accounting ecological footprint indicators for selected one-belt-one-road initiative countries

S Saud, S Chen, A Haseeb - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020 - Elsevier
The pressure of globalization on our ecosystem is widely debated, and academics and
researchers urge clear policies at all levels. In this regard, a plethora of research work use …

Ecological footprint accounting for countries: updates and results of the National Footprint Accounts, 2012–2018

D Lin, L Hanscom, A Murthy, A Galli, M Evans, E Neill… - Resources, 2018 -
Ecological Footprint accounting quantifies the supply and demand of Earth's biocapacity.
The National Footprint Accounts (NFA) are the most widely used Ecological Footprint (EF) …

The impact of energy consumption and economic development on ecological footprint and CO2 emissions: evidence from a Markov switching equilibrium correction …

L Charfeddine - Energy Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
Reducing the impact of air pollution and global environmental degradation on human health
and quality of life for Qatari citizens represents the most important objective of the Qatar …

Integrating ecological, carbon and water footprint into a “footprint family” of indicators: definition and role in tracking human pressure on the planet

A Galli, T Wiedmann, E Ercin, D Knoblauch, B Ewing… - Ecological …, 2012 - Elsevier
In recent years, attempts have been made to develop an integrated Footprint approach for
the assessment of the environmental impacts of production and consumption. In this paper …

Ecological footprint: refining the carbon footprint calculation

MS Mancini, A Galli, V Niccolucci, D Lin… - Ecological …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Within the Ecological Footprint methodology, the carbon Footprint component is
defined as the regenerative forest capacity required to sequester the anthropogenic carbon …

Carbon, land, and water footprint accounts for the European Union: consumption, production, and displacements through international trade

K Steen-Olsen, J Weinzettel, G Cranston… - … science & technology, 2012 - ACS Publications
A nation's consumption of goods and services causes various environmental pressures all
over the world due to international trade. We use a multiregional input–output model to …

Financialization, natural resources rents and environmental sustainability dynamics in Saudi Arabia under high and low regimes

AA Alfalih, TB Hadj - Resources Policy, 2022 - Elsevier
In light of increasing environmental degradation, a body of research has studied the role that
financialization and natural resources endowments can play as an emergency lever for the …

Does income growth relocate ecological footprint?

AA Aşıcı, S Acar - Ecological Indicators, 2016 - Elsevier
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether countries tend to relocate their ecological
footprint as they grow richer. The analysis is carried out for a panel of 116 countries by …