[图书][B] Actual causality

JY Halpern - 2016 - books.google.com
A new approach for defining causality and such related notions as degree of responsibility,
degrees of blame, and causal explanation. Causality plays a central role in the way people …

[图书][B] Anarquía, Estado y utopía

R Nozick - 2014 - books.google.com
El filósofo estadounidense Robert Nozick (1938-2002) publicó en 1974 un libro que se
tornó clásico: Anarquía, Estado y Utopía. Nozick, en algún sentido, comprimió determinado …

[图书][B] Getting causes from powers

S Mumford, RL Anjum - 2011 - books.google.com
Causation is everywhere in the world: it features in every science and technology. But how
much do we truly understand it? Do we know what it means to say that one thing is a cause …

Events and event talk: An introduction

F Pianesi, AC Varzi - 2000 - philpapers.org
A critical review of the main themes arising out of recent literature on the semantics of
ordinary event talk. The material is organized in four sections:(i) the nature of events, with …

Consciousness, learning and interlanguage pragmatics.

R Schmidt - 1990 - ERIC
A discussion of the ways that consciousness may be involved in learning the principles of
second-language discourse and pragmatics draws on current theories of the role of …

[图书][B] Depth: An account of scientific explanation

M Strevens - 2011 - books.google.com
What does it mean for scientists to truly understand, rather than to merely describe, how the
world works? Michael Strevens proposes a novel theory of scientific explanation and …

[图书][B] Thinking about consciousness

D Papineau - 2002 - books.google.com
The relation between subjective consciousness and the physical brain is widely regarded as
the last mystery facing science. This book argues that there is no real puzzle here …

[图书][B] Modality and explanatory reasoning

B Kment - 2014 - books.google.com
Since the ground-breaking work of Saul Kripke, David Lewis, and others in the 1960s and
70s, one dominant interest of analytic philosophers has been in modal truths, which …

[图书][B] Person and object: A metaphysical study

R Chisholm - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
First published in 2002. This is Volume V of seventeen in the Library of Philosophy series on
Metaphysics. Written in 1976, this book includes amongst others, the three Carus Lectures …

[图书][B] Laws of nature

JW Carroll - 1994 - books.google.com
John Carroll undertakes a careful philosophical examination of laws of nature, causation,
and other related topics. He argues that laws of nature are not susceptible to the sort of …