TF Pettigrew, LR Tropp - Journal of personality and social …, 2006 -
The present article presents a meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. With 713 independent samples from 515 studies, the meta-analysis finds that intergroup contact …
Research and theory on intergroup contact have become one of the fastest advancing and most exciting fields in social psychology in recent years. The work is exciting because it …
Welcome to the third edition of The Psychology of Attitudes & Attitude Change. As you would expect, this edition contains many new developments. As a starting point, Bas Verplanken …
A role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders proposes that perceived incongruity between the female gender role and leadership roles leads to 2 forms of …
P Glick, ST Fiske - Social cognition, 2018 -
This chapter argues that sexism is, probably always has been, a special case of prejudice marked by a deep ambivalence, rather than a uniform antipathy, toward women. Sexism has …
Evidence for the role of affective states in social judgments is reviewed, and a new integrative theory, the affect infusion model (AIM), is proposed as a comprehensive …
This chapter has two main objectives: to review influential ideas and findings in the literature and to outline the organization and content of the volume. The first part of the chapter lays a …
WG Stephan, CW Stephan - Reducing prejudice and …, 2013 -
An I ntegrated Threat Theory of Prejudice Page 1 2 An I ntegrated Threat Theory of Prejudice Walter G . Stephan Cookie White Stephan New Mexico State University "It was the best of times …
Early theorists assumed that sociopolitical or ideological attitudes were organized along a single left‐right dimension and directly expressed a basic personality dimension. Empirical …