Pengaruh Nutrient N Dan P Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rumput Laut Pada Budidaya Sistem Tertutup

F Zainuddin, T Nofianti - Jurnal Perikanan Unram, 2022 -
Rumput laut merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam hayati yang melimpah di perairan
Indonesia, memiliki keanekaragaman yang paling besar dibandingkan dengan negara lain …

Pertumbuhan Rumput Laut Gracilaria sp. terhadap Variasi Dosis Media Walne

A Harahap, R Pramesti, A Ridlo - Journal of Marine Research, 2022 -
Gacilaria sp. merupakan sumber agar yang sangat laku di pasaran baik dalam negeri
maupun luar negeri. Untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar maka stok bibit harus terpenuhi …

The Effect of Combination of Coconut Water (Cocos nucifera) and Shallot Crude Extract (Allium cepa L.) on the Growth of Caulerpa racemosa

PK Ghani, D Harwanto, R Amalia… - … Series: Earth and …, 2023 -
Caulerpa racemosa (sea grape) widely known to the public as highly nutritious food
ingredients whose availability only relies on nature. This resulted in the production of C …

Budidaya rumput laut Caulerpa racemosa skala laboratorium menggunakan pupuk organik cair

S Pramita, E Erniati, Z Zulpikar, M Khalil… - Acta Aquatica: Aquatic …, 2022 -
Indonesia is a maritime country that has seaweed natural resources that have the potential
to be developed. Several types of seaweed have started to be cultivated by manipulating the …

Pemanfaatan Limbah Air Teh Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rumput Laut Gracillaria verrucosa

ZR Ya'La, JC Sintya - Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian, 2023 -
Pupuk organik berkembang pesat dewasa ini yang tak lepas dari dampak pemakaian pupuk
inorganik yang menimbulkan berbagai masalah, mulai dari rusaknya ekosistem, hilangnya …


W Astuti, A Eko, B Basir, I Lapong… - Jurnal Perikanan …, 2024 -
Gracillaria verrucosa is one of high economical seaweed. The problem that often occurs in
Gracilaria verrucosa cultivators is slow growth which is thought to be due to excessive and …

Review Artikel: Pemanfatan Limbah Organik Pasar Sebagai Prekursor Budidaya Lawi-Lawi Caulerpa lentillifera

R Renal, A Ridwan, I Ramadhan… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2021 -
Kebutuhan rumput laut dalam pasar domestik dan pasar internasional terus meningkat
sesuai dengan data KKP pada tahun 2020, total produksi rumput laut pada tahun 2018 …

The effect of NPK fertilizer with different dosage on the growth rate seaweed (Caulerpa racemosa)

R Subur, M Irfan, N Akbar - Depik, 2021 -
NPK is a type of fertilizer that plays a role in increasing growth and survival in plants such as
seaweed. This study aims to determine the effect of different NPK fertilizer doses on the …

Application Of Pes Fertilizer To The Growth Of Kappaphycus alvarezii Plantlets

D Wahyudi, CP Pattirane, AR Marwah… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2023 -
This study aims to determine the growth of Kappaphycus alvarezii plantlets applied with
different PES fertilizers. This research was conducted at Blitok Installation, brackish water …

Cultivation of seaweed Caulerpa racemosa on a laboratory scale using liquid organic fertilizer

S Pramita, E Erniati, Z Zulpikar, M Khalil… - Acta Aquatica: Aquatic …, 2022 -
Indonesia is a maritime country that has seaweed natural resources that have the potential
to be developed. Several types of seaweed have started to be cultivated by manipulating the …