Karakter Arsip Sultan Ternate Koleksi Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (The Characteristics of Sultan Ternate's Manuscripts Collection National Library 0f …

PF Limbong - SAWERIGADING, 2019 - sawerigading.kemdikbud.go.id
Abstract National Library of Indonesia has more than 11.000 ancientmanuscripts in their
collection. The manuscript collection is devided into two groups, which are bounded book …

Diplomasi Politik Belanda terhadap Kerajaan Banggai dalam Naskah Perjanjian 113 8/21

S Aliyah, D Kramadibrata - Manuskripta, 2021 - manuskripta.manassa.id
This study discusses the manuscript 113 8/21 in the collection of the National Library of
Indonesia. This manuscript is a letter of agreement between the Kingdom of Banggai, the …

Tax Regulations on Forest Products in Ternate at the XIX Century

NS Martaputri, PF Limbong - 1st International Conference on …, 2020 - atlantis-press.com
Ternate was the center of international trade in the past. After being occupied by the Dutch
through VOC, economic activities in Ternate were controlled by the VOC. The monopoly of …