Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan aktivitas antioksidan, kadar total fenolik dan kadar total flavonoid propolis dari dua jenis lebah dan lokasi yang berbeda. Materi yang …
Brawijaya University Forest occupies an area of about 514 hectares, and 80% of the area is planted with pine (Pinus merkusii Jungh Et De Vriese). This paper reports the determination …
F Ramadhani, E Girsang, F Florenly - JKPK (Jurnal Kimia Dan Pendidikan … - jurnal.uns.ac.id
Pinus merkusii is a native pine species to Southeast Asia and has used as an oleoresins source and raw material for pulp and paper industries. This plant also possesses several …
A Arel, W Ningsih - Forte Journal, 2022 - ojs.unhaj.ac.id
Berenuk merupakan tanaman perdu tropis yang berkhasiat sebagai obat berbagai penyakit. Daun berenuk dalam pengobatan tradisional digunakan untuk mengobati luka baru dan …
Berenuk is a tropical herbaceous plant that is efficacious as a medicine for various diseases. Berenuk leaves in traditional medicine are used to treat new wounds and reduce …
AB Saputra, I Muhtarom, N Rochmaniyah, AIC Padmi… - 2013 - distantreader.org
Indonesia one of the tropical countries in the world can not be separated from environment problems like other developing countries. One of the causes of declining environment …