Control of chaos: methods and applications. II. Applications

BR Andrievskii, AL Fradkov - Automation and remote control, 2004 - Springer
Reviewed were the problems and methods for control of chaos, which in the last decade
was the subject of intensive studies. Consideration was given to their application in various …

Analysis of parallelizable resampling algorithms for particle filtering

J Miguez - Signal Processing, 2007 - Elsevier
Particle filtering methods are powerful tools for online estimation and tracking in nonlinear
and non-Gaussian dynamical systems. They commonly consist of three steps:(1) drawing …

Управление хаосом: методы и приложения. II. Приложения

БР Андриевский, АЛ Фрадков - Автоматика и телемеханика, 2004 -
БРАндриевский, АЛФрадков, “Управление хаосом: методы и приложения. II.
Приложения”, Автомат. и телемех., 2004, № 4, 3–34; Autom. Remote Control, 65:4 (2004) …

Coupled map networks as communication schemes

P Garcia, A Parravano, MG Cosenza, J Jiménez… - Physical Review E, 2002 - APS
Networks of chaotic coupled maps are considered as string and language generators. It is
shown that such networks can be used as encrypting systems where the cipher text contains …

Stable periodic economic cycles from controlling

R Stoop - … in Economics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to …, 2021 - Springer
When a system becomes unstable or noise becomes excessive, often regulations of the form
of limiters (barriers obstructing excursion into undesired areas of the phase space) are …

Scaling properties of simple limiter control

R Stoop, C Wagner - Physical Review Letters, 2003 - APS
“Simple limiter control” of chaotic systems is analytically and numerically investigated,
proceeding from the one-dimensional case to higher dimensions. The properties of the …

Renormalization approach to optimal limiter control in 1-d chaotic systems

C Wagner, R Stoop - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2002 - Springer
Optimal limiter control of chaos in 1-d systems is described by flat-topped maps. When we
study the properties of this control by a bifurcation analysis of the latter, we find partial …

Control of long-period orbits and arbitrary trajectories in chaotic systems using dynamic limiting

NJ Corron, SD Pethel - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of …, 2002 -
We demonstrate experimental control of long-period orbits and arbitrary chaotic trajectories
using a new chaos control technique called dynamic limiting. Based on limiter control …

Channel coding in communications using chaos

IP Mariño, L López, MAF Sanjuán - Physics Letters A, 2002 - Elsevier
We introduce a novel chaotic channel code with error-correcting capabilities. This channel
code takes advantage of the natural redundancy contained in the perturbations applied to a …

Conditions for efficient chaos-based communication

MS Baptista, EE Macau, C Grebogi - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary …, 2003 -
In communication, one requires the source of information to be efficiently transmitted. In
other words, the information should be transmitted quickly and with very low distortion. While …