Liquidity creation, investment, and growth

T Beck, R Döttling, T Lambert, M Van Dijk - Journal of Economic Growth, 2023 - Springer
Using panel analysis for a large cross-section of countries, we find that liquidity creation by
banks is positively associated with economic growth at country and industry levels. Liquidity …

Is there a gender effect on the cost of bank financing?

DV Mascia, SPS Rossi - Journal of Financial Stability, 2017 - Elsevier
In this paper, we address the question of whether the gender of a firm's leader affects the
cost of bank funding faced by small and medium enterprises in Europe. Using a large …

[HTML][HTML] Measuring multi-product banks' market power using the Lerner index

S Shaffer, L Spierdijk - Journal of banking & finance, 2020 - Elsevier
The aggregate Lerner index is a popular composite measure of multi-product banks' market
power, based on total assets as the single aggregate output factor. We show that the …

Regional bank efficiency and its effect on regional growth in “normal” and “bad” times

A Belke, U Haskamp, R Setzer - Economic Modelling, 2016 - Elsevier
The financial crisis affected regions in Europe in a different magnitude. This is why we
examine whether regions which incorporate banks with a higher intermediation quality grow …

Benefits of local banking in local economic development: Disparities between micro firms and other SMEs

C Meslier, PN Rehault, A Sauviat, D Yuan - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper provides new evidence on the benefits of local banking. Relying on a unique
bank-level lending dataset covering 96 French counties from 2005 to 2013, completed by …

Access to financing and regional entrepreneurship in Ecuador: an approach using spatial methods

R Alvarado, M Peñarreta, R Armas… - International Journal of …, 2017 -
Entrepreneurship is one of the most effective ways to generate employment and income,
and to strengthen an economy. In this process, access to financing is key to the birth of new …

How do banking characteristics influence companies' debt features and performance during COVID-19? A study of Portuguese firms

PMN Reis, AP Soares Pinto - International Journal of Financial Studies, 2022 -
This paper investigates how bank characteristics (market share, principal shareholders,
profitability, and size), and the gender of the company's board members, along with their …

Impact of banking subsystem liquidity creation on real economic output

MM Mantai, I Ismail, OI Bacha - … Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern …, 2024 -
Purpose This study aims to examine the impact of liquidity creation per capita of tri-banking
system and dual banking system on real economic output. Design/methodology/approach …

The Role of Banks in Promoting Post-disaster Economic Growth

A Duqi - Banking Institutions and Natural Disasters: Recovery …, 2023 - Springer
Academic research on post-disaster recovery acknowledges that growth stems from
increased bank lending to accommodate reconstruction efforts. Local banks are more active …

[PDF][PDF] Acceso al financiamiento y emprendimiento en la región 7 de Ecuador

M Penarreta - Revista Publicando, 2017 -
Esta investigación analiza la relación entre el acceso al financiamiento y el emprendimiento
en la región 7 del Ecuador (Provincias de Loja, El Oro y Zamora Chinchipe). Para verificar la …