Mechanism for mitigating information leak via cache side channels during speculative execution

S Puthoor - US Patent 11,231,931, 2022 - Google Patents
Aprocessor includes a first core and a second core to execute computer instructions. Each of
the cores includes its own private memory cache and speculative load queue. The …

Committing hardware transactions that are about to run out of resource

FY Busaba, HW Cain III, MK Gschwind… - US Patent App. 14 …, 2015 - Google Patents
A transactional memory system determines whether a hardware transaction can be
salvaged. A processor of the transactional memory system begins execution of a transaction …

Data processing apparatus and method for controlling performance of speculative vector operations

AD Reid, D Kershaw - US Patent 10,261,789, 2019 - Google Patents
US10261789B2 - Data processing apparatus and method for controlling performance of
speculative vector operations - Google Patents US10261789B2 - Data processing apparatus …

Data processing apparatus and method for performing speculative vector access operations

AD Reid, D Kershaw - US Patent App. 14/462,194, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A data processing apparatus and method for performing speculative vector
access operations are provided. The data processing apparatus has a reconfigurable buffer …

Apparatus and method for controlling the number of vector elements written to a data store while performing speculative vector write operations

AD Reid, D Kershaw - US Patent 9,483,438, 2016 - Google Patents
A data processing apparatus and method for performing speculative vector access
operations are provided. The data processing apparatus has a reconfigurable buffer …

Data storage apparatus and method, and readable storage medium

S Sun, Q He, J Shao, J Sun, H Duan - US Patent 11,836,098, 2023 - Google Patents
A data storage apparatus and method and a readable storage medium are provided. The
data storage apparatus includes: a processor and a memory; the processor includes: a …

System and method for dynamically allocating memory to hold pending write requests

AF Farahani, DA Roberts, N Jayasena - US Patent 10,310,997, 2019 - Google Patents
A processing system employs a memory module as a temporary write buffer to store write
requests when a write buffer at a memory controller reaches a threshold capacity, and de …

Determining if transactions that are about to run out of resources can be salvaged or need to be aborted

FY Busaba, HW Cain III, MK Gschwind… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
A transactional memory system determines whether a hardware transaction can be
salvaged. A processor of the transactional memory system begins execution of a transaction …

Methods for decoding and dispatching program instructions

M Rolle, S Goldberg - US Patent 9,268,573, 2016 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND One key function of a compiler in computer architecture is to generate
object code (or machine code) from a particular sequence of program instructions, ie, any …