Quantum random sampling is the leading proposal for demonstrating a computational advantage of quantum computers over classical computers. Recently the first large-scale …
Suppressing errors is the central challenge for useful quantum computing, requiring quantum error correction (QEC),,,–for large-scale processing. However, the overhead in the …
The ability to perform entangling quantum operations with low error rates in a scalable fashion is a central element of useful quantum information processing. Neutral-atom arrays …
SA Moses, CH Baldwin, MS Allman, R Ancona… - Physical Review X, 2023 - APS
We describe and benchmark a new quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) trapped-ion quantum computer based on a linear trap with periodic boundary conditions, which …
Non-Abelian topological order is a coveted state of matter with remarkable properties, including quasiparticles that can remember the sequence in which they are exchanged …
Quantum systems evolve in time in one of two ways: through the Schrödinger equation or wavefunction collapse. So far, deterministic control of quantum many-body systems in the …
The promise of quantum computers hinges on the ability to scale to large system sizes, eg, to run quantum computations consisting of more than 100 million operations fault-tolerantly …
Quantum state teleportation is commonly used in designs for large-scale quantum computers. Using Quantinuum's H2 trapped-ion quantum processor, we demonstrate fault …
G Wendin - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
During the last ten years, superconducting circuits have passed from being interesting physical devices to becoming contenders for near-future useful and scalable quantum …