This paper develops an organizational approach to corporate governance and assesses the effectiveness of corporate governance and implications for policy. Most corporate …
Die Neuauflage berücksichtigt die Umstellung der Diplomstudiengänge auf Bachelor und Master, so daß das Buch sowohl für Bachelor-Einführungsveranstaltungen als auch für …
It is increasingly accepted that'institutions matter'for economic organization and outcomes. The last decade has seen significant expansion in research examining how institutional …
GJ Benston, M Bromwich, RE Litan, A Wagenhofer - 2006 -
International accounting standards tend to converge, as do auditing, enforcement and corporate governance, whereas trading of equity shares remains essentially national. The …
This paper is a draft for the chapter German banks and banking structure of the forthcoming book The German financial system. As such, the paper starts out with a description of past …
In this book, one of Germany's most influential economists describes his country's economy, the largest in the European Union and the third largest in the world, and analyzes its …
A widely recognized paper by Colin Mayer (1988) has led to a profound revision of academic thinking about financing patterns of corporations in different countries. Using flow …
ABSTRACT Manuscript Type: Conceptual Research Question/Issue: The aim of this research study is to theorize about the antecedents of the “board independence norm”(BIN) …
RH Schmidt - Available at SSRN 477761, 2003 -
A financial system can only perform its function of channelling funds from savers to investors if it offers sufficient assurance to the providers of the funds that they will reap the rewards …