[PDF][PDF] Hunting identities: Intersectional perspectives on Viking Age mortuary expressions

J Lund, M Moen - Fennoscandia archaeologica, 2019 - journal.fi
This article explores how an application of an intersectional perspective can open up new
avenues of enquiry and potential understandings when applied to well-known data sets and …

Making new antlers: Depositions of animal skulls and antlers as a message of regeneration in South Sámi grave contexts

C Olofsson - Norwegian Archaeological Review, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
At the grave fields at Krankmårtenhögen and Smalnäset, Härjedalen, 200 bc–ad 200, there
were depositions of skull fragments and antlers on top of the graves. Some skulls and …

Exploring Animals as Agents and Objects in Early Medieval Iceland and Scandinavia.

HJ Evans Tang, K Ruiter - 2023 - durham-repository.worktribe.com
Exploring Animals as Agents and Objects in Early Medieval Iceland and Scandinavia. Skip to
main content Durham Research Online (DRO) Home Research Outputs People Faculties and …

Objects and Agency in the Medieval North: The Case of Old Norse Magic Swords

M Mayburd - Średniowiecze polskie i powszechne, 2020 - ceeol.com
Recent decades have seen a resurgence of interest among historians and archaeologists in
reassessing trade networks and cross-cultural exchanges between medieval Scandinavia …

Deconstructing the" Nordic civilization"

P Urbańczyk - Gripla, 2009 - gripla.arnastofnun.is
Arnold Toynbee's concept of the “Nordic civilization” added a historiosophic dimension to
the already popular idea of a common “Viking Age culture” throughout Northern Europe …

Tracing Textile Production from the Viking Age to the Middle Ages: Tools, Textiles, Texts and Contexts

I Øye - 2022 - torrossa.com
This book has developed over a long time. Besides the obligatory duties connected to my
chair, teaching, and supervising Master and PhD students in medieval archaeology, in many …

Kun et trekkdyr i jordbruket?: hestens betydning i nordnorsk yngre jernalder

L Bunse - 2010 - munin.uit.no
Denne oppgaven vil belyse hestens betydning i nordnorsk yngre jernalder. Det nordnorske
hestematerialet har i liten grad blitt undersøkt. Likevel har det, inspirert av en kort passasje i …

[PDF][PDF] The Horse and the Norse: Reconstructing the Equine in Viking Iceland

KD Stelter - MLitt-Thesis. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2013 - academia.edu
By analysing the historical texts and the archaeological record, the horse's role in Icelandic
Viking society was investigated. Studying horses in order to understand Icelandic Vikings is …

[PDF][PDF] Orð í belg um íslenska kumlhestinn og uppruna hans

Þ Pétursdóttir - Árbók Hins Íslenzka Fornleifafélags, 2010 - academia.edu
Hestar eru algengasta haugfé íslenskra kumla og virðast jafnframt algengari í kumlum hér á
landi en á hinu forn-norræna menningarsvæði almennt. Þessum áberandi þætti …

Lesið í landið. Fyrirbærafræði, fornleifaskráning og menningarlandslag

Á Hermannsdóttir - 2011 - skemman.is
Fornleifaskráning hefur fram að þessu einkennst af stöðluðum aðferðum, skráningu „stakra
“fornleifa og skorti á bæði tíma og fjármunum. Á síðustu misserum hefur orðið …