Collaborative filtering has been the most straightforward and most preferable approach in the recommender systems. This technique recommends an item to a target user from the …
Item-based filtering technique is a collaborative filtering algorithm for recommendations. Correlation-based similarity measures such as cosine similarity, Pearson correlation, and its …
In the current digital landscape, both information consumers and producers encounter numerous challenges, underscoring the importance of recommender systems (RS) as a vital …
To improve the effectiveness of online learning, the learning materials recommendation is required to be personalised to the learner material recommendations must be personalized …
In the era of Big Data, a massive amount of data is generated and collected, continually, from various sources. To use these data for their optimum value, ie to uncover correlations …
The exponential increase in digital data has increased the amount of available online information. This complicates the user's decision-making. Most online merchants and …
The most popular method collaborative filter approach is primarily used to handle the information overloading problem in E-Commerce. Traditionally, collaborative filtering uses …
The most important subjects in the memory‐based collaborative filtering recommender system (RS) are to accurately calculate the similarities between users and finally finding …
Collaborative filtering is a popular recommender system (RecSys) method that produces rating prediction values for products by combining the ratings that close users have already …