[PDF][PDF] Supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks through local and regional government bodies, and cybersecurity

M Czuryk - Cybersecurity and Law, 2021 - bibliotekanauki.pl
Local and regional governments play a special role in public life. They perform, on their own
behalf and responsibility, certain tasks commissioned by the State by way of legal Acts. The …

[PDF][PDF] Activities of the local government units in the scope of telecommunication

M Karpiuk - Cybersecurity and Law, 2021 - bibliotekanauki.pl
The public sphere which is the closest to the inhabitants is managed by the local
government. The legislator entrusted this local government with a number of tasks that …

[PDF][PDF] The legal status of local self-government in the field of public security

M Czuryk, J Kostrubiec - Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i …, 2019 - repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl
The local self-government was established through the process of devolution of the public
administration, as entities designed to meet the needs of local and regional communities …

[PDF][PDF] Ubezpieczenie społeczne rolników jako element bezpieczeństwa społecznego. Aspekty prawne

M Karpiuk - Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno …, 2018 - bibliotekanauki.pl
Social security is one of the areas of national security. Within this field, we can distinguish
the so-cial insurance of farmers, which covers farmers themselves, family members working …

[PDF][PDF] The use of selected social concepts and educational programmes in counteracting cyberspace threats

A Pieczywok - Cybersecurity and Law, 2021 - bibliotekanauki.pl
This article demonstrates the importance of the aspects of social life which include
prevention and education at all possible stages of using cyberspace. It encompasses a …

[PDF][PDF] Position of County Government in the Security Space

M Karpiuk - Internal Security, 2019 - bibliotekanauki.pl
Security is a very important human need, which is addressed at all levels of local
governance both by the central and local government bodies. As regards local government …

Zasady postępowania podczas stanu epidemii wprowadzonego w związku z zakażeniami wirusem SARS-COV-2

M Karpiuk - Wiedza Obronna, 2020 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
Ze względu na konieczność zapobiegania, przeciwdziałania i zwalczania zakażenia
wirusem SARS-CoV-2, jak również rozprzestrzeniania się choroby wywołanej tym wirusem …

[PDF][PDF] Instytucje stanów nadzwyczajnych jako gwarancja bezpieczeństwa państwa w sytuacji szczególnego zagrożenia-aspekt konstytucyjny

I Niczyporuk-Chudecka - 2018 - core.ac.uk
Każde odpowiedzialne państwo powinno posiadać w krajowym prawodawstwie instytucje
gwarantujące bezpieczeństwo kraju w sytuacji szczególnego zagrożenia. Polski …

[PDF][PDF] Safety as a legally protected value

M Karpiuk - Zeszyty Naukowe KUL, 2019 - scholar.archive.org
Safety is the value which is subject to the special protection. This protection is guaranteed by
the laws of different value, including the constitutional rank. The legislator himself …

[PDF][PDF] Cyber threats and challenges targeting man versus his education

A Pieczywok - Cybersecurity and Law, 2021 - bibliotekanauki.pl
Modern man strongly emphasizes the need for security in all aspects of social and individual
life. The content of the article concerns the threats and challenges for men in cyberspace …