Disentangling the concept of density

A Churchman - Journal of planning literature, 1999 - journals.sagepub.com
At first glance, the concept of density is wonderfully appealing to planners. It is an objective,
quantitative, and, by itself, neutral term. However, a second and third glance reveals that it is …

Clarifying and re-conceptualising density

CT Boyko, R Cooper - Progress in planning, 2011 - Elsevier
As a spatial concept, density is a useful tool in predicting and controlling land use. However,
policymakers, practitioners, academics and citizens are often uncertain about how density …

The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations.

RM Baron, DA Kenny - Journal of personality and social …, 1986 - psycnet.apa.org
In this article, we attempt to distinguish between the properties of moderator and mediator
variables at a number of levels. First, we seek to make theorists and researchers aware of …

Grounded theory: A practical guide for management, business and market researchers

C Goulding - 2002 - torrossa.com
The primary audience that this book is aimed at is the increasing number of students
pursuing taught Master's degrees, higher degrees by research, namely MPhils and PhDs …

[引用][C] Environmental Psychology

PA Bell - Look Inside the Book Program, 2001 - books.google.com
Paul A. Bell & Eric D. Sundstrom nvironmental psychology has existed as a branch of
psychology for approximately 30 years. It focuses on the ways in which features of the …

The key to sustainable urban development in UK cities? The influence of density on social sustainability

N Dempsey, C Brown, G Bramley - Progress in planning, 2012 - Elsevier
High residential density is an important element of the compact city concept alongside mixed
land uses, well-connected urban layouts, and easily accessible public transport networks …

[图书][B] Sensuous geographies: body, sense and place

P Rodaway - 2002 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The contemporary challenge of postmodernity draws our attention to the nature of reality and
the ways in which experience is constructed. Sensuous Geographies explores our …

[图书][B] Environmental stress

GW Evans - 1984 - books.google.com
A systematic 1982 presentation of hitherto scattered research on human reactions to five
environmental stress factors: noise, heat, air pollution, crowding, and architectural …

Privacy and communication

JK Burgoon - Communication yearbook 6, 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
The past few decades have seen a rapidly growing awareness of issues related to privacy.
From consumer advocates and politi-cians who express concern over infringements on …

The museum environment and the visitor experience

C Goulding - European Journal of marketing, 2000 - emerald.com
Since the advent of the contract culture, the reduction in museum budgets, and the
implementation of performance measures based on customer satisfaction management …