Lost generation?

M Allen, P Ainley - 2010 - torrossa.com
No one would seriously claim that the rush of applicants for UK university and college places
in summer 2009 represented a new found enthusiasm amongst the nation's youth for higher …

Who you know, what you know and knowing the ropes: A review of evidence about access to higher education institutions in England

G Whitty, A Hayton, S Tang - Review of Education, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This paper considers the history of access to higher education in England and reviews the
evidence on the progress made in widening participation and ensuring 'fair access' under …

Student voice and the politics of listening in higher education

J McLeod - Critical studies in education, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The promise of giving voice to under-represented and marginalized groups has been a
mainstay of emancipatory agendas in educational research. It has been an especially …

Global trends in higher education financing: The United Kingdom

S Marginson - International Journal of Educational Development, 2018 - Elsevier
Over the last 40 years, UK higher education has moved from a publicly funded system to a
mixed publicly/privately funded system regulated as a tuition loans-based consumer market …

[图书][B] Feminism, gender and universities: Politics, passion and pedagogies

ME David - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Feminism, Gender and Universities demonstrates the positive and robust impacts that
feminism has had on higher education, through the eyes and in the words of the participants …

'Hot','cold'and 'warm'supports: Towards theorising where refugee students go for assistance at university

S Baker, G Ramsay, E Irwin, L Miles - Teaching in Higher …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper contributes a rich picture of how students from refugee backgrounds navigate
their way into and through undergraduate studies in a regional Australian university, paying …

'Uni has a different language… to the real world': Demystifying academic culture and discourse for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds

J McKay, M Devlin - Higher Education Research & Development, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The Australian government has set ambitious targets for increased higher-education
participation of people from low socioeconomic backgrounds. There is, thus, a pressing …

Widening participation in higher education

A Vignoles, N Murray - Education Sciences, 2016 - mdpi.com
Higher education (HE) has the potential to be transformative: for individuals, local
communities and for the wider society. The extent to which HE succeeds, however, depends …

Misogyny posing as measurement: Disrupting the feminisation crisis discourse

L Morley - Contemporary Social Science, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Feminisation discourses appear to represent nostalgia for patriarchal patterns of
participation and exclusion in higher education. It is curious why this particular melancholic …

[图书][B] Enhancing the freedom to flourish in higher education: Participation, equality and capabilities

TML Calitz - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Persistent educational, economic and social inequalities perpetuate unequal participation in
higher education for a significant number of students in both developing and developed …