The objectives of this study are to describe 1) the improvement in ball-kicking skills using the active learning model combined with small-sided games in class VII-4 students of SMP 9 …
C Asmita, S Halifah - 2024 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melatih kemampuan ekspresif dalam aspek bahasa dengan permainan boneka tangan kreatif pada kelompok B di Tk Al-Imaniah Kota Parepare, yang …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penggunaan media video dalam meningkatkan keterampilan mendengar (maharah al-istima') siswa kelas VIII di MTs Al …
A person's character is greatly influenced by their religious education. However, teaching morals and religious values is becoming increasingly difficult in the digital age. This …
This study explores the importance of integrating the four language skills-listening, speaking, reading, and writing teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, as opposed to the …
This research aiims to improve the fine motor skils of young children in group A of Fadilah Kindergarten, Parepare City. Results of initial observations: Researchers saw that several …
Adapun contoh al-ashlu bara'atu al-dzimmah dalam kaidah al-dharar yuzal pada transaksi jual beli. Seorang pembeli membeli barang dan kemudian menemukan bahwa barang …
Collaborative skills are very important competencies for students in the 21st century, which play a role in equipping them to work together in teams, communicate effectively, and face …
This study aims to analyze the understanding of students in class XI C at MA YMPI RAPPANG regarding fiqh material related to hudud law. The topic of hudud in fiqh is …