Resonance fluorescence revival in a voltage-controlled semiconductor quantum dot

A Reigue, A Lemaître, C Gomez Carbonell… - Applied Physics …, 2018 -
We demonstrate systematic resonance fluorescence recovery with near-unity emission
efficiency in single quantum dots embedded in a charge-tunable device in a wave-guiding …

Ultraviolet dynamics from ground-state overlap in the Kondo model

CD Pelwan, I Snyman - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
We consider a quantum quench from the strongly correlated ground state of the Kondo
model to a Fermi sea. We calculate the overlap between the ground states before and after …

Boîte quantique en interaction avec son environnement: excitation résonante pour l'étude des processus de décohérence

A Reigue - 2017 -
Les boîtes quantiques (BQ) semi-conductrices possèdent une structure électronique
discrète qui en fait une excellente source de photons uniques et indiscernables. Elles sont …

[PDF][PDF] Quantum many-body correlations in low-dimensional systems

C Pelwan - 2020 -
In Part I, we consider a quantum quench from the strongly correlated ground state of the
Kondo model to a Fermi sea. We calculate the overlap between the ground states before …

Ground state overlap knows about ultraviolet dynamics: results for the Kondo model

CD Pelwan, I Snyman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.03692, 2018 -
We consider a quantum quench from the strongly correlated ground state of the Kondo
model to a Fermi sea. We calculate the overlap between the ground states before and after …


L Da Rold - 2022 -
Our current understanding of subatomic interactions is described by the Standard Model of
particle physics (SM). This model includes all known particles and their interactions. It uses …

[引用][C] Propiedades ópticas y de transporte en arreglos de puntos cuáticos.

JA Andrade Hoyos - 2017 - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo