[PDF][PDF] Zaštita privatnosti na internetu-evropski model

V Baltezarević, R Baltezarević - Megatrend revija, 2017 - megatrend.edu.rs
Apstrakt: Internet ima ogroman uticaj na sve oblasti društvenog delovanja. Svakodnevni
život, socijalne interakcije i ekonomija, upućeni su na nove informacione i komunikacione …

[PDF][PDF] The role of personal branding in the digital environment on career development during the covid-19 pandemic

R Baltezarević, R Baltezarević - THEMATIC PROCEEDINGS The …, 2022 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT A personal brand in a digital environment is a reflection of a person and, above
all, gives a personalized note to those who intend to present themselves in the best possible …

[PDF][PDF] 'Results of European Multilingualism Policy in the First Decade in the 21 Century in Member States of European Union and Serbia'

AB Suvakovic - СРПСКА ПОЛИТИЧКА МИСАО [Serbian Political …, 2018 - ips.ac.rs
The idea of united Europe inevitably brings news also in the field of linguistics. Growing
openness of markets among the member states, political cooperativeness and new …

Privacy protection on the internet: The European model

V Baltezarević, R Baltezarević - Megatrend revija, 2017 - scindeks.ceon.rs
The Internet has a huge impact on all areas of social activity. Everyday life, social interaction
and economics are directed to new information and communication technologies. A positive …

Синиша Домазет

С Здравко - ceeol.com
Сажетак У овом раду је анализирана афера у вези са компанијама Фејсбук и Кембриџ
аналитика, у светлу нове Уредбе ЕУ у области заштите података (GDPR). Анализа је …