Abstract Systematic Conservation Planning (SCP) involves a series of steps that should be accomplished to determine the most cost-effective way to invest in conservation action …
Atlantic Forest (AF) is amongst the most threatened forests in the world. To decide where conservation efforts should be focused to preserve species, assessment of ecological and …
Aquifer ecosystems provide a range of important services including clean drinking water. These ecosystems, which are largely inaccessible to humans, comprise a distinct …
B Alexandre, R Crouzeilles… - Natureza & Conservação, 2010 - researchgate.net
A strategy to avoid the loss of habitats and preserve large areas is the establishment of protected areas. Brazil's Conservation Units National System (SNUC) determines that …
RCP D'Arrigo, ML Lorini… - …, 2020 - icmbio.openjournalsolutions.com.br
A Mata Atlântica possui um histórico ininterrupto de degradação ambiental, o mais antigo e contínuo do Brasil. Por outro lado, foi nesse bioma que ocorreram as primeiras …
G Rosenthal, A Mengel, A Reif, S Opitz, N Schoof… - 2015 - bfn.bsz-bw.de
Umsetzung des 2 % Zieles für Wildnisgebiete im Rahmen der Nationalen Biodiversitätsstrtegie Page 1 Gert Rosenthal, Andreas Mengel, Albert Reif, Stefanie Opitz …
Qual a melhor escala para se desenvolver um estudo na natureza? Para responder a esta pergunta deve-se primeiro pensar qual é a questão a ser respondida. Pensando …
Definitions of Biodiversity that encompass multiple levels of the biological hierarchy are common and fulfill theoretical and conservation expectations. However, these definitions are …
H Albuquerque, N Attias, P Martins, N Ardente… - Check …, 2013 - checklist.pensoft.net
The Atlantic Forest is considered a hotspot due to its current state of vast degradation and high indexes of biodiversity. This biome has been degraded through the years by processes …