MG Jones, K Filia, S Rice… - Human-Animal …, 2023 -
Introduction: Canine-assisted psychotherapy (CAP) is an emerging field that is largely unregulated and at times fragmented. Despite this, CAP shows promise as an innovative …
This quasi-experimental study examined the short-term effectiveness of Dutch Cell Dogs (DCD), a short prison-based dog-training program, on anti-social behavioral and wellbeing …
Abstract The effectiveness of Dutch Cell Dogs (DCD), a prison-based dog training program, in reducing criminal behavior and recidivism was assessed in a quasi-experimental study in …
Simple Summary Interventions that aim to increase well-being among detained juveniles, in addition to interventions focusing on behavioral change, are urgently needed and should be …
Barn og unge som utøver alvorlige handlinger mot andre mennesker har ofte et krevende omsorgs-og behandlingsbehov som kan være vanskelig å imøtekomme. Mange har behov …
Abstract The United States currently holds the largest incarceration rate in the world, with approximately 629 inmates per 100,000 residents (World Prison Brief). Additionally, the …
UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Page 1 UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam ( UvA-DARE (Digital Academic …
ABSTRACT A dog training program (DTP) is an intervention that is increasingly used in correctional facilities in recent years. This involves inmates training (shelter) dogs and …
La réhabilitation des personnes contrevenantes représente plusieurs défis pour les intervenants (Vacheret, 2006). Le plus grand de ceux-ci est la création d'un lien …