SV Shepherd - Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 2010 -
In general, individuals look where they attend and next intend to act. Many animals, including our own species, use observed gaze as a deictic (“pointing”) cue to guide …
A novel cognitive theory of semantics that proposes that the meanings of words can be described in terms of geometric structures. In The Geometry of Meaning, Peter Gärdenfors …
Humans are extremely sensitive to ostensive signals, like eye contact or having their name called, that indicate someone's communicative intention toward them [1–3]. Infants also pay …
Everyone agrees that joint attention is a key feature of human social cognition. Yet, despite over 40 years of work and hundreds of publications on this topic, there is still surprisingly …
G Csibra - Mind & language, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
I make three related proposals concerning the development of receptive communication in human infants. First, I propose that the presence of communicative intentions can be …
This is the second of the two closely linked but self-contained volumes that comprise James Hurford's acclaimed exploration of the biological evolution of language. In the first book he …
As compared with other primates, humans have especially visible eyes (eg, white sclera). One hypothesis is that this feature of human eyes evolved to make it easier for conspecifics …
Now more than ever animal studies have the potential to test hypotheses regarding how cognition evolves. Comparative psychologists have developed new techniques to probe the …
Fully updated revision of a classic text offering a thorough understanding of the normal behavior of domestic animals The Seventh Edition of Domestic Animal Behavior for …