Abstract “Homosexuals after the Holocaust” explores how various actors in the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America transformed collective memories of …
ER Dickinson - Central European History, 2016 - cambridge.org
The politics of sexuality in modern Germany was complicated, contradictory, and multivalent. Reflecting on how to conceptualize that complexity is worthwhile, for doing so allows us to …
A Ponzio - Journal of History, 2022 - utpjournals.press
Citizenship in democratic nations is understood as a binary measure that excludes the foreign while including all members of the nation in a rightsbearing community. As Terrell …
This thesis examines the management of commercial sex in West Germany between the 1950s and the 1980s through the comparison of Cologne, Hamburg and West Berlin …
Im Fokus dieser Studie stehen der Alltag und die Sexualität während der deutschen Besatzung der Niederlande 1940–1945. Für die spätere Tradierung des Krieges spielte …
Time, sexuality, and subjectivity have been central to traditional understandings of modernism. In particular, women and queers are frequently positioned in these scholarly …