H Patel, IW Maynard, L Rana, B Chudoba - Journal of spacecraft and …, 2022 - arc.aiaa.org
Along with the increased demand for space access transportation, a rise in adversarial offensive capabilities, and increasing reliance upon space-based assets, US space assets …
SM Zeigler, S Harting, SJ Bae, J Brackup, AJ Vick - 2021 - rand.org
In light of new priorities established in recent strategic-level guidance such as the 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS); 1 the rapid evolution of the US Air Force (USAF), sister …
Executive Summary The US Air Force has many different missions, but as stated in Title 10 of the US Code, its primary role is to prepare forces that can respond quickly to demands for …
Organizations do not learn well. As a result, they lose valuable knowledge. When knowledge is lost in organizations, workers are forced to spend as much as 25% of their …
This report summarizes the findings of a RAND study on the future of strategic planning in the US Air Force. The study's purpose is to evaluate the history and current practice of …
'Strategic air power'is an operating concept through which air power is arranged and directed to achieve objectives at the strategic level of warfare by exerting control over an …
AC Pertiwi, MI Sari - Jurnal Pertahanan dan Bela Negara, 2022 - jurnal.idu.ac.id
Dari aspek pertahanan udara, ruang udara negara didefinisikan sebagai proyeksi ke atas dari wilayah permukaan suatu negara baik berupa daratan maupun perairan. Seiring …
The development of the US Space Force (USSF) and US Space Command (USSPACECOM) in a short period of time creates institutional seams that might interfere with …
A szerző szeretne köszönetet mondani mindazoknak, akik közreműködtek a dolgozat megszületésében. Először is Dr. Szabó A. Ferencnek a megfelelő kutatási téma …