
김성인, 김진수, 강성주, 김태영, 윤지현 - 대한공업교육학회지, 2019 - dbpia.co.kr
이 연구의 목적은 아두이노를 활용한 디자인씽킹 기반의 중학생 메이커 교육 프로그램을
개발하고 적용하여 효과를 확인하는 것이다. 메이커 교육 프로그램의 개발은 PDIE 모형에 따라 …

Development of STEAM instructional materials using Arduino for creative engineering design class in high schools and its application

DS Lee, YD Lim, J Kim - Journal of Engineering Education …, 2020 - koreascience.kr
The purpose of the study was to develop the Arduino based STEAM instruction materials for
creative engineering design class. PDIE model was used in this study. We developed a …

유아를위한공학중심융합인재교육(E-STEAM) 프로그램의개발및효과

이수기 - 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 2019 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구의 목적은 공학적 설계과정을 강조하는 공학중심 융합인재 (E-STEAM) 프로그램을
개발한 후 이를 유아를 대상으로 적용하여 유아의 과학적 문제해결능력과 의사소통능력에 …


이미옥, 김현수 - 환경교육, 2023 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구는 만 4∼ 5 세 유아를 대상을 재활용품을 활용한 메이커 활동이 유아의 창의성 및
환경친화적 태도에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 이를 위해 경기도 S 시에 위치한 H 어린이집과 J …

An Analysis of STEAM Elements included in the Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks Revised on 2009-Focusing on the 3rd and 4th Grade Group

SR Ryu - Education of primary school mathematics, 2015 - koreascience.kr
This study analyzed what STEAM elements, except mathematical content, are contained in
2009 revised elementary school 3rd and 4th grade group mathematics textbooks. STEAM …

[PDF][PDF] 국가경쟁력강화를위한중학교영재학생들의과학, 수학, 기술및공학에대한인식조사

박경, 효녕, 전재돈 - 영재교육연구, 2015 - academia.edu
우리나라의 영재 교육 기관에서는 우수한 인재 양성과 이공 계열 기피로 인해 발생한
이공계위기를 해결하기 위해 융합인재교육 (STEAM) 을 포함하여 다양한 융합형 교육을 …

The Effects of the Maker Education Program Science Class Applying the TMSI Model on Elementary School Students' Academic Achievement in Science and Scientce …

J Kang, D Lee, Y Kim - Journal of the Korean Society of Earth …, 2023 - koreascience.kr
This study investigated the effects of the maker education program science class applying
the TMSI model on elementary school students' academic achievement in science and …

A Study on Development and Application of STEAM Program for Middle and High School Students using Local Institution (KAIST)

J Choi, YM Kim, YJ Lee - Journal of Engineering Education …, 2020 - koreascience.kr
Abstract With the 4th Industrial Revolution, educational change is required to cultivate the
ability to adapt in the rapidly changing future. Accordingly, the importance of nurturing …

[PDF][PDF] Development and application of STEAM education program for informal science learning in elementary school: Focused on theme of'light'

H Lee, S Baek, H Lee - Journal of the Korean Society of Earth …, 2017 - koreascience.kr
The purposes of this study are to develop the STEAM program grounded on curriculum and
to investigate educational effects of the developed program on students' attitude of science …

The development of STEAM program based on reverse engineering on the subject of autonomous vehicle

HY Chong, KS Kim, JA Yoon, YM Kim… - 대한공업교육학회지, 2019 - koreascience.kr
The purpose of this study is to develop a STEAM program based on reverse engineering. To
achieve the purpose of this study, STEAM program was developed on the subject of …