New trends in e-commerce research: Linking social commerce and sharing commerce: A systematic literature review

RW Attar, A Almusharraf, A Alfawaz, N Hajli - Sustainability, 2022 -
Technological advances have facilitated the move from market-centric to user-centric
commerce by enabling the progress towards S-Commerce from E-Commerce …

[HTML][HTML] A decade of the sharing economy: Concepts, users, business and governance perspectives

O Mont, YV Palgan, K Bradley, L Zvolska - Journal of cleaner production, 2020 - Elsevier
Sharing economy platforms have been transforming production and consumption systems in
cities around the world. While the sharing economy may contribute to addressing …

[HTML][HTML] The effect of the Covid-19 on sharing economy activities

M Hossain - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021 - Elsevier
Activities within the sharing economy (SE) are in a precarious situation due to the Covid-19
pandemic. Even though the SE is considered a disruptive phenomenon, especially in the …

[HTML][HTML] The mediating role of energy efficiency on the relationship between sharing economy benefits and sustainable development goals (Case of China)

FS Chien - Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2022 - Elsevier
Recently, sustainable development goals (SDGs) have become a global requirement, but a
changing phenomenon which needs to be examined frequently and which is the focus of …

[HTML][HTML] Does sharing economy promote sustainable economic development and energy efficiency? Evidence from OECD countries

A Dabbous, A Tarhini - Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2021 - Elsevier
The sharing economy is a new phenomenon considered to stimulate sustainable practices.
It is viewed as the synergy between technology, information and marketing that promotes a …

Digital platforms for the circular economy: exploring meta-organizational orchestration mechanisms

O Blackburn, P Ritala… - Organization & …, 2023 -
Digital platform technology enables circular business models that facilitate the reduction,
reuse, and recycling of resources and materials across large ecosystems of platform actors …

The potential of sharing economy business models for sustainable value creation

M Laukkanen, N Tura - Journal of Cleaner production, 2020 - Elsevier
While the sharing economy is often linked to the discussion on sustainable development,
relatively little research has explored the potential of sharing economy business models to …

The dark side of the sharing economy: Balancing value co‐creation and value co‐destruction

D Buhalis, L Andreu, J Gnoth - Psychology & Marketing, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The sharing economy disrupts the marketplace and brings both benefits and disadvantages
into service ecosystems. We discuss principles of the S‐D logic and transformative service …

Collaborative consumption in the fashion industry: A systematic literature review and conceptual framework

E Arrigo - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021 - Elsevier
Collaborative consumption has gained great popularity by embodying an affordable and
sustainable form of consumption. It has also been considered a favorable pathway to …

First-mover firms in the transition towards the sharing economy in metallic natural resource-intensive industries: Implications for the circular economy and emerging …

CJC Jabbour, PDC Fiorini, CWY Wong, D Jugend… - Resources policy, 2020 - Elsevier
The dilemma between consumption and preservation of natural resources has been
repeatedly highlighted in recent literature, and is still an open discussion. The emerging …