Counterexample driven quantifier instantiations with applications to distributed protocols

O Tamir, M Taube, KL McMillan, S Shoham… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 -
Formally verifying infinite-state systems can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to
reasoning about quantifiers. In particular, quantifier alternations in conjunction with function …

Gödel logic: From natural deduction to parallel computation

F Aschieri, A Ciabattoni… - 2017 32nd Annual ACM …, 2017 -
Propositional Gödel logic G extends intuitionistic logic with the non-constructive principle of
linearity (A→ B)∨(B→ A). We introduce a Curry-Howard correspondence for G and show …

QPCF: Higher-order languages and quantum circuits

L Paolini, M Piccolo, M Zorzi - Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2019 - Springer
Abstract qPCF is a paradigmatic quantum programming language that extends PCF with
quantum circuits and a quantum co-processor. Quantum circuits are treated as classical data …

Par means parallel: multiplicative linear logic proofs as concurrent functional programs

F Aschieri, FA Genco - Proceedings of the ACM on Programming …, 2019 -
Along the lines of Abramsky's “Proofs-as-Processes” program, we present an interpretation
of multiplicative linear logic as typing system for concurrent functional programming. In …

Quantum programming made easy

L Paolini, L Roversi, M Zorzi - arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.00774, 2017 -
We present IQu, namely a quantum programming language that extends Reynold's
Idealized Algol, the paradigmatic core of Algol-like languages. IQu combines imperative …

On Natural Deduction for Herbrand Constructive Logics I: Curry-Howard Correspondence for Dummett's Logic LC

F Aschieri - Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2017 -
Dummett's logic LC is intuitionistic logic extended with Dummett's axiom: for every two
statements the first implies the second or the second implies the first. We present a natural …

It could rain: weather forecasting as a reasoning process

M Cristani, F Domenichini, F Olivieri… - Procedia Computer …, 2018 - Elsevier
Meteorological forecasting is the process of providing reliable prediction about the future
weathear within a given interval of time. Forecasters adopt a model of reasoning that can be …

Expansion trees with cut

F Aschieri, S Hetzl, D Weller - Mathematical Structures in Computer …, 2019 -
Herbrand's theorem is one of the most fundamental insights in logic. From the syntactic point
of view, it suggests a compact representation of proofs in classical first-and higher-order …

Game semantics and the geometry of backtracking: A new complexity analysis of interaction

F Aschieri - The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2017 -
We present abstract complexity results about Coquand and Hyland–Ong game semantics,
that will lead to new bounds on the length of first-order cut-elimination, normalization …

Diagnostics as a reasoning process: From logic structure to software design

M Cristiani, F Olivieri, C Tomazzoli, L Viganò… - Journal of computing …, 2019 -
Sažetak Diagnostic tests are used to determine anomalies in complex systems such as
organisms or built structures. Once a set of tests is performed, the experts interpret their …