M Rapoport, M Richartz - Compositio Mathematica, 1996 - numdam.org
On the classification and specialization of F-isocrystals with additional structure Page 1 COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA M. RAPOPORT M. RICHARTZ On the classification and …
JS Milne - The zeta functions of Picard modular surfaces, 1992 - jmilne.org
We explain, in the case of good reduction, the conjecture of Langlands and Rapoport describing the structure of the points on the reduction of a Shimura variety (Langlands and …
Introduction. Let kbe a field of characteristic 0, k an algebraic closure of k, and G an algebraic group over k. Let L (G, x) be a k-kernel (other terms are k-band, k-lien); see [Spl …
We are interested in counting integer and rational points in affine algebraic varieties, also under congruence conditions. We introduce the notions of a strongly Hardy-Littlewood …
JP Wintenberger - Annales de l'institut Fourier, 1997 - numdam.org
Soit p un nombre premier et soit K un corps local de caractéristique 0 et à corps résiduel k algébriquement clos de caractéristique p. J.-M. Fontaine a défini la catégorie des (<^, 7V) …
We prove some analogs of results due to Kneser in the case of characteristic 0 about the surjectivity of coboundary map for Galois cohomology of semisimple groups over local and …
NQ Thǎńg - Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, 2002 - projecteuclid.org
In this paper we prove that over local or global fields of characteristic 0, the Corestriction Principle holds for kernel and image of all maps which are connecting maps in group …
We introduce the notion of (Weak) Corestriction Principle and prove some relations between the validity of this principle for various connecting maps in non-abelian Galois cohomology …