To protect against transient control-flow hijacks, software relies on a secure state of microarchitectural buffers that are involved in branching decisions. To achieve this secure …
The drive to create thinner, lighter, and more energy efficient devices has resulted in modern SoCs being forced to balance a delicate tradeoff between power consumption, heat …
Since the discovery of the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities, transient execution attacks have increasingly gained momentum. However, while the community has investigated …
Violating the Von Neumann sequential processing principle at the microarchitectural level is commonplace to reach high performing CPU hardware—violations are safe as long as …
A significant amount of both client and server-side cryptography is implemented in JavaScript. Despite widespread concerns about its security, no other language has been …
Over the past few years, the high-end CPU market is undergoing a transformational change. Moving away from using x86 as the sole architecture for high performance devices, we have …
In this paper we revisit the Spectre v1 vulnerability and software-only countermeasures. Specifically, we systematically investigate the performance penalty and security properties of …
Y Wang, R Paccagnella, A Wandke… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2023 -
The recent Hertzbleed disclosure demonstrates how remote-timing analysis can reveal secret information previously only accessible to local-power analysis. At worst, this …
The discovery of the Spectre attack in 2018 has sent shockwaves through the computer industry, affecting processor vendors, OS providers, programming language developers …