Ü Yükselbaba - Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 2016 - dergipark.org.tr
Feminist kuramın çıkışı 18. yüzyıl sonlarına tekabül eder. Feminizm kısaca “kadınların toplum içindeki rollerini ve haklarını genişletmeyi öngören bir doktrin” olarak tanımlanır. 1 Kuramın …
Negli ultimi anni, la violenza contro le donne è un fenomeno divenuto di grande attualità, ma poche sono, ancora, le ricerche giuridiche realizzate in Italia per studiare le misure adatte …
Despite recent criminal law reforms to define rape through the lack of consent, practical questions remain about how to regulate different kinds of violations of sexual autonomy …
I Radačić - Rape Justice: Beyond the Criminal Law, 2015 - Springer
Sexual violence, as a form of gender-based violence, 1 violates, impairs and nullifies women's human rights. It is also an impediment to securing a full range of human rights and …
A Moiseienko, A Ryzhenkov, A Anisimov, S Kartalova… - 2024 - HeinOnline
The recent wave of law reform on sexual crimes, 1 amending the definition of rape to consent-based rather than coercion-based, constitutes an important development in criminal …
Також сформульовано положення, згідно з яким у соціології гендеру є необхідними дослідження статусно-рольових, акціональних, структурних та метатеоретичних …
D Trlin, A Basic, BI Alispahic - Regional L. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
The main idea for this topic came as a reflection of the recent happenings that shocked the entire Region, especially Serbia. Actresses from Serbia, after several years, gathered …
The concept of access to justice, originally linked to ensuring rights through courts and tribunals, has evolved into the broader concept of justice and equal access (CoE Gender …
I RADACIC - Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice: What's Law Got …, 2016 - academia.edu
I was asked to contribute to the dissemination of some of the experiences and exchanges that took place at the symposium 'Sexuality and Social Justice: What's Law Got to Do With …