Rising global demand for vegetable oil during the last few decades has led to a drastic increase in the land area under oil palm. Especially in Southeast Asia, the oil palm boom …
To design robust protected area networks, accurately measure species losses, or understand the processes that maintain species diversity, conservation science must …
Freshwater mussels are declining globally, and effective conservation requires prioritizing research and actions to identify and mitigate threats impacting mussel species …
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is recognized as one of the top hydrological models applied for addressing hydrologic and environmental issues. This is the …
There is a weak evidence base supporting the effective management of riparian ecosystems within tropical agriculture. Policies to protect riparian buffers—strips of non‐cultivated land …
Understanding mechanisms by which agricultural practices affect freshwater ecosystems helps to inform land‐use policies and management strategies aimed at mitigating effects of …
Governments and international organizations are promoting or drafting programs to undertake Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) of hundreds of millions of hectares of …
Oil palm plantations have expanded around the world, increasing concern about its pressure on deforestation rates and the homogenization of the landscape. In this context, the …
Global biodiversity is being lost due to extensive anthropogenic land cover change. In Southeast Asia, biodiversity-rich forests are being extensively logged and converted to oil …