Connecting polarized light and water turbidity with feeding rates in Octopus americanus paralarvae

IL Gavioli, DO de Ortiz, JGF Bersano… - Journal of the World …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This study aimed to evaluate whether polarized light or water turbidity enhances Octopus
americanus paralarvae daily feeding rates (FRs) when fed on natural prey (Acartia lilljeborgi …

Assessing Learning and Memory in the Juvenile Life Stage of the California Two-Spotted Octopus, Octopus Bimaculoides

SM Hamlett - 2022 -
Cephalopods and vertebrates have convergently evolved diverse adaptations such as large
brains, problem-solving skills, tool use, and learning and memory abilities. These traits have …

Biología y Cultivo de paralarvas de Octópodos

L Barreto Pérez - 2022 -
Los cefalópodos son un grupo de gran importancia a nivel ecológico, pero también lo son a
nivel socio-económico ya que una parte de la industria pesquera se dedica a su captura y …

Effects of different protein to carbohydrate ratio in pellets for rearing European cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis, Linnaeus 1758) juveniles

NDPV Coriel - 2019 -
Being highly sought-after fishery resources, cephalopods potential for aquaculture has been
a research topic for several decades. The diversity within the class means that each species …