A systematic review of the ambivalent sexism literature: Hostile sexism protects men's power; benevolent sexism guards traditional gender roles.

O Bareket, ST Fiske - Psychological bulletin, 2023 - psycnet.apa.org
According to ambivalent sexism theory (Glick & Fiske, 1996), the coexistence of gendered
power differences and mutual interdependence creates two apparently opposing but …

Everybody hurts, sometimes overview of hurtful humour at iberlef 2023: Detection of humour spreading prejudice in twitter

R Labadie Tamayo, MA Chulvi-Ferriols… - … del lenguaje natural, 2023 - riunet.upv.es
[ES] El humor es una estrategia eficiente para propagar prejuicios porque, la mayoría de las
veces, elude el juicio moral. Sin embargo, perpetúa estereotipos y, al hacerlo, justifica actos …

When humour hurts: linguistic features to foster explainability

LI Merlo, B Chulvi, R Ortega, P Rosso - 2023 - rua.ua.es
El objetivo de esta investigación es utilizar distintas características para representar los
textos humorísticos y detectar cuáles son las que mejor distinguen los chistes no ofensivos …

Joking for gender equality: Subversive humor against sexism motivates collective action in men and women with weaker feminist identity

AR Riquelme, H Carretero-Dios, JL Megías… - Sex Roles, 2021 - Springer
Subversive humor has historically been considered a way of protesting, raising awareness,
and seeking change. However, to date, no known empirical research has explored the …

Exposure to feminist humor and the proclivity to collective action for gender equality: The role of message format and feminist identification

R Vizcaíno-Cuenca, AR Riquelme, M Romero-Sánchez… - Sex Roles, 2024 - Springer
Previous research has pointed out that feminist humor or subversive humor against sexism
is an important precursor to collective action for gender equality. This effect has been found …

“Domestic Drama,”“Love Killing,” or “Murder”: Does the Framing of Femicides Affect Readers' Emotional and Cognitive Responses to the Crime?

J Schnepf, U Christmann - Violence against women, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
We conducted two framing experiments to test how downplaying femicide frames affect
readers' reactions. Results of Study 1 (Germany, N= 158) indicate that emotional reactions …

Aggressive Humor and Social Connectedness: The Moderating Roles of Subjective Social Status and Gender

TK Ng, TH Lee - The Journal of Psychology, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Aggressive humor has been conceived as a maladaptive humor style that jeopardizes social
relationships. However, past studies have yielded inconsistent findings regarding the …

The seriousness of humour: Examining the relationship and pathways between sexist humour and the Dark Tetrad traits

C Li, C Lau, L Yosopov, DH Saklofske - Current Psychology, 2023 - Springer
With blatant expressions of sexist attitudes deemed socially unacceptable, prejudice
towards women may surface through subtle means, including sexist humour. However, no …

Sexist humor and sexual aggression against women: When sexist men act according to their own values or social pressures

M Romero-Sánchez, JL Megías… - Journal of …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Exposure to sexist humor creates a context in which some men feel comfortable expressing
aggressive tendencies toward women (ie, self-reported rape proclivity). This is in part …

Reasons people enjoy sexist humor and accept it as inoffensive

S Parrott, T Hopp - Atlantic Journal of Communication, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
An experiment examined factors that inform participants' enjoyment of anti-female humor
and their acceptance of the humor as inoffensive. Participants (n= 101) were exposed to …